Residents benefit from 700 goats in restocking programme

Residents of Chumvi location, Mukogodo East Ward recieve goat donation from National Drought Management Authority (NDMA) and Indigenous Movement for Peace Advancement and Conflict Transformation (IMPACT), the partnership aims at restocking livestock to pastoral communities. [Amos Kiarie, Standard]

The National Drought Management Authority (NDMA) has partnered with the Indigenous Movement for Peace Advancement and Conflict Transformation (Impact) in a livestock restocking programme.  

Under the initiative, 700 gala goats have been distributed to improve the breed and assist 250 pastoral families in Laikipia North sub county. 

According to Impact Programme Director John Ting’io, they are donating five doe per family while NMDA will offer 125 bucks to serve 250 homesteads. 

"The gala goats, common in North Eastern Kenya, mature quickly and produce more milk, making them the preferred breed in Arid and Semi-Arid Lands (Asals). This project comes at a time when pastoralists are still recovering from a recent severe drought, during which thousands of livestock died. Improving the breed from the traditional small eastern African goats will strengthen the pastoralists' resilience," he said. 

Ting’io explained that the collaborative restocking effort, funded by the Home Planet Fund, a US-based organisation, specifically targets vulnerable pastoral families, including those headed by women, the elderly, and persons living with disability.  

Nyambura Kirong' said that this was the first time she was receiving the support and the goats would boost her livelihood.  

"The donation of five gala goats will significantly boost me in ensuring my recovery from the losses incurred during the previous drought season," she said. 

John Kaunga, another beneficiary, said that the prolonged drought claimed his livestock and the donation of goats will help him earn a living. 

"In 2023, I had over 70 goats, but with the drought, they all died, we were severely affected, now, with the ongoing rains bringing abundant pasture, I expect to increase the number of my goats and cattle. Livestock rearing is my sole source of income," he said. 

According to the NDMA report, during the 2023 drought, approximately 63,983 goats died in Kajiado, Nyeri, and Laikipia counties due to starvation, diseases, and dehydration.

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