Love in a time of war: God will restore Kawira, says hubby Murega

Kawira Mwangaza and her husband Murega Baichu. [Standard]

"I will continue standing with my wife; God is with us and will return the seat."

These were the words of Murega Baichu, husband of Meru Governor Kawira Mwangaza, just hours after the Senate upheld her impeachment. The First Gentleman was responding to concerns that, unlike before, he was not seen lending a helping hand to his wife during her hour of need at the Senate, where Mwangaza was being grilled.

“It is not true that I was not around. I can even share my photos in the Senate to prove that I was there all along,” he said.

When asked about the third impeachment, Murega replied that the allegations were based on conspiracies to remove his wife from office.

“Even though I don’t have much to comment on, I’m sure God will return the seat,” he stated.

This is the third time Mwangaza has appeared before the Senate in a heated hearing that concluded at midnight on August 21, 2024.

Until last year, when he took a low profile, Murega, a guitarist, had been a constant figure beside his wife. He often reminded those who cared to listen that she enjoyed his soothing music.

Role Questioned

He stepped back after MCAs questioned his role in county affairs, as Mwangaza has faced significant challenges since being elected governor.

“We have gone to court, and I am sure the governor will get back her seat,” Murega told The Nairobian.

Some of the MCAs, in their bid to oust Mwangaza, have previously linked Murega to the governor’s unending woes. In their latest attempt, Mwangaza was accused of gross violation of the constitution and other laws, gross misconduct, and abuse of office.

When the MCAs impeached her for the first time, they cited nepotism and irregular appointments, abuse of office, and gross violation of the constitution and other county laws.

On the second attempt last November, Mwangaza was accused of misappropriating county resources, nepotism, unethical practices, bullying and vilifying other leaders, usurping her statutory powers, contempt of court, illegally naming a public road after her husband, and contempt of the Meru County Assembly.

But the Senators saved her, dismissing the allegations levelled against her. When she was given a chance to make her final remarks before the vote was taken during her second impeachment, she pleaded with the Senate to save her, asking for forgiveness if she had wronged anyone in the Senate and Meru County.

She admitted that, just like any other human being, she had her weaknesses, which she would strive to overcome.

“I am praying to God to give me energy, grace, and perseverance to serve the people of Meru since I have a duty to unite them. I am seeking forgiveness from the Meru Senator, Members of Parliament, and Members of the County Assembly, asking them to allow us to have a fresh start,” pleaded Mwangaza.

Away from appearing together during trying times, Mwangaza has also never shied away from displaying affection towards Murega.

Not long ago, Mwangaza, while wishing Murega a happy birthday, described him as her “M’verified” and Commander of Ameru Airwaves.

“Professional Husband. My Chief Executive Advisor. Most Handsome and Favored Man in Africa. Love of my life. My roommate” posted the governor about her husband.

However, this was not the first time the governor affirmed her love for Murega.

Guitar Skills

In another message last year, Mwangaza posted, “Handsome, wise, king, of the highest quality, Romeo, integrity, power, ambassador, apostle, sweetheart, property, Commander of Ameru Airwaves, Best Guitar Man, Murega Baichu Himself. Love you.”

Mwangaza confessed that Murega has made her life joyful.

Since Mwangaza was elected, Murega never failed to be by her side, even during county meetings—a move that did not sit well with some people. At some point, he stopped attending them.

Some MCAs were said to have been uncomfortable with the First Gentleman’s presence, but he defended himself, maintaining that he has always stood by his wife, even when she was Woman Representative.

Murega’s guitar skills are said to have played a big role while Mwangaza was hunting for votes ahead of the 2022 elections.

He always entertained crowds during the campaign rallies, and after the elections, Mwangaza appointed him as Hustlers Ambassador and Meru Youth Service Patron.

It was from this appointment that an MCA moved a motion to impeach Mwangaza in November 2022.

Even so, Mwangaza stood her ground, maintaining that the position was purely ceremonial and voluntary.

“He will work to uplift the hustlers and the less privileged. He will not be earning a salary or allowance. He will be working for free. He will be reporting to the governor,” she said.

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