By Patrick Beja

Youths have been urged to stop turf wars on behalf of politicians in the coalition and instead address their own problems.

Council of Imams and Preachers of Kenya (CIPK) told the youth to shun demonstrations in support of certain politicians since it did little to improve their economic well being.

"Instead of always being at the centre of wars for supremacy between politicians in the Coalition Government we urge our youth to go to polytechnics and also take up manual jobs," said organising secretary Mohamed Khalifa.

At the Coast, the imams said idle youths have become targets of drug addiction.

"The youth should keep off drugs by going for skills training and manual work such as carpentry, plumbing and electrical courses," said Sheikh Khalifa.

Addressing students at Mombasa Polytechnic University College hall, Khalifa said yesterday it was time the youth engaged in productive activities and not direct their energy to politics.

resolve differences

Chairman Mohamed Idris and other imams were also present.

At the same time, Khalifa told President Kibaki and Prime Minister Raila Odinga to resolve their differences and give Kenyans a new constitution. "We are sick of the continued wrangles in the Government. There should be a break so that Kenyans can focus on Agenda Four and economic activities," said Khalifa.

On the emergence of gay society in the country, Khalifa told Government to join the fight just like Uganda to curb the vice.

"We want the Government to come up with stiff penalties to be meted out on gays to deter them," he said.