Teachers are naturally considered second parents of learners under their jurisdiction and care. They shape students to become morally upright citizens and guide them to achieve their career dreams.
This role has earned teachers respect from parents and other stakeholders as trusted stewards of learners. The nobility associated with the teaching profession has made some learners even to trust teachers more than their parents.
As role models and mentors of students, teachers influence positive behaviours and character traits among the learners. With modern crimes mutating and criminal networks increasingly targeting learning institutions, educators are better placed, working with other stakeholders, to prevent and counter violent extremism in schools.
One of the strategies that terror groups like Al Shabaab and ISIS employ in expanding their influence is targeting vulnerable populations including students for radicalisation and recruitment. Typically, extremist and terror groups exploit vulnerabilities such as feelings of alienation, innocence, lack of purpose and frustration among young people to indoctrinate them into the criminal world.
Teachers need to use counseling as a tool to identify students who may be at risk of radicalization and intervene early to save them from ruin. In doing this, educators will rightfully act as the first line of defence to build resilience against terrorism among the students.
There is a growing army of teachers who are guiding students to prevent them from being lured into terrorism networks. Ayub Mohamud Abdi, the deputy principal at Jamhuri High School in Nairobi, is one such teacher who advises his students against violent extremism and terrorism.
Through his organisation, Teachers Against Violent Extremism and Community Development Initiative, he is rallying teachers across the country to join the worthy cause to save the young generation from terrorism recruitment. His commendable job inside and outside the classroom has earned him recognition both locally and internationally, having been awarded Head of State Commendation and Finalist Global Teacher Prize Award 2016. Other teachers need to follow suit to mainstream prevention and countering violent extremism in schools.
Government needs to tap into the immense influence teachers hold over students to persuade them to resist attempts to radicalise and recruit them into extremist and terrorism networks. Our teachers are endowed with multiple soft skills, which comes in handy to persuade students to keep off from social ills.
In 2001, the government banned use of corporal punishment in schools, prompting educators to adopt non-violent ways of disciplining belligerent students. They have religiously implemented this ethical philosophy through innovation of alternative ways of instilling discipline in schools without harming learners.
With the Competency-Based Curriculum (CBC), educators are more empowered to prepare all-round students able to overcome societal challenges. CBC is an entry point to introduce security studies in schools to prepare learners to deal with modern security threats like violent extremism, terrorism and cybercrimes. The new curriculum is designed to effectively build competency in critical thinking and problem-solving skills.
A proper education system needs to help learners hone critical thinking skills to reduce extremist ideologies’ appeal and foster unity among diverse communities. Under this core competency, CBC seeks to equip students with life skills and competencies to empower them to effectively handle challenges including those related to security. These include safety awareness, emergency preparedness, basic first aid and cybersecurity tips.
Teachers need to teach national values through civic education, history and social studies to instill a sense of unity, belonging, patriotism and responsibility among students. When young people understand their role in building a peaceful society, they become less susceptible to radical ideologies that seek to divide communities.
Additionally, there should be a focus on peace education and religious tolerance for students to appreciate different cultures and faiths. This will empower them to fight off propaganda and narratives associated with terror groups such as religious intolerance, exclusion, injustice and wrong interpretation of religious texts.
Another way schools and teachers can support efforts to prevent and counter violent extremism is through promoting digital and media literacy. We need to protect children from online radicalisation and the consumption of other harmful content on social media.
Our education system should also give extra-curricular activities such as sports, drama, debate clubs and leadership programmes the seriousness they deserve. The social activities provide an opportunity for students to spend extra time and accords them a sense of belonging instead of engaging in harmful activities.
The government and schools should provide continuous professional development programmes that equip teachers with the skills needed to identify and address radicalisation among students.
We need to support teachers to establish trust-based relationships with students to encourage them to speak up on overtures from extremist groups for action. Beyond the classroom, teachers should collaborate with parents, religious leaders, security agencies and community organisations to raise awareness about violent extremism and terrorism as well as create seamless reporting structures to curb the vice.
It is important to note that countering violent extremism and terrorism is a collective effort of all stakeholders and not the preserve of the government.