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Abducted student leader found in Murang'a



 Joshua Okayo KSL Student Leader. [File,Standard]

Kenya School of Law student leader, Joshua Okayo who was abducted last Wednesday, has been found near Margua River in Murang'a County.

His discovery has sent shockwaves across the country, with reports indicating he appeared shaken, weak, and showed signs of torture.

His brother, Fredrick Otieno, who was among the first to see him, confirmed that Joshua was in significant pain and needed immediate medical attention.

Following his rescue, Joshua Okayo was promptly taken to Avenue Hospital in Thika, where he is currently receiving treatment.

Medical staff have reported that he is under close observation due to his condition, especially the psychological trauma he endured.

The incident has sparked widespread concern about the safety and well-being of student activists in Kenya, particularly those who have been vocal in their opposition to recent government policies.

A group of lawyers, led by Ruth Ambogo, strongly condemned the abduction, noting that such tactics aim to intimidate the youth.

The legal fraternity has called for an immediate and thorough investigation into Okayo's abduction, demanding accountability from the authorities.




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