At Umiru Village in Yala, Gem Constituency in Siaya County on Wednesday morning, masons are laying tiles in the grave of Prof. Richard Nyabera Magoha, the younger brother of the famous academician and surgeon Prof. George Magoha.
A fence separates the homestead of Nyabera and that of Magoha, perhaps suggesting the close bond the two brothers shared in life.

Besides the fundis, there is little activity going on as the village prepares to bury their loved one, who until his death lived in Texas, USA.
Nyabera, as per the funeral plan, will be buried on Saturday, January 28. He died on December 6, 2022 at the age of 69 after a short illness.

Nyabera is survived by his spouse Janet Achieng Magoha and children Crystal Magoha, Ashley Magoha and Bernard Magoha, who live in Allen, Texas in the United States.
Right across Prof. Nyabera's fence at Umiru Village in Siaya County, Prof. George Magoha's home is deserted, with the few subordinate staff members present visibly affected by his death that occurred on Tuesday, January 24 in Nairobi.

A security guard ushers journalists into the homestead that has less than ten employees.
The air is full of gloom, grief and disbelief as the employees come to terms with the sudden death of a man who, to them, was gentle and a good listener, yet to many outside their circle, George Magoha was uncompromising and tough.
A few metres from the conspicuously white and impressive mansion, is a sty where Magoha bred pigs for sale.

Little movement, foot traffic or activity is happening here.
It's yet to be communicated when George Magoha, whose body is preserved at the Lee Funeral Home in Nairobi, will be buried.
At his late parents' home in Ratudi Village in Gem Constituency, mourners converge to condole with the family that has, on different dates, lost at least five children.

Prof. George Magoha, who reportedly died of cardiac arrest shortly after arrival at the Nairobi Hospital on Tuesday, was the immediate former Cabinet Secretary (CS) for Education in President Uhuru Kenyatta's administration.
He is survived by his spouse, Dr. Barbara Magoha and son, Dr. Michael Magoha.