A group of volunteers walked for a cause on Sunday, September 24, 2023, to support children with cancer and their families.
The fundraising walk was organized by Lions Clubs International District 411A, in partnership with Glacier Products Limited, the manufacturers of Dairyland.
The walk aimed to raise awareness and funds for three hospitals that provide pediatric cancer care in Kenya: AIC Kijabe Hospital, Kenyatta National Hospital and Referral Hospital, and Hope for Cancer Kids.
"The goal for this event is to increase sensitization and awareness of childhood cancer and help bridge the gap and achieve better healthcare and quality of life for these children. It's to support such families. It's to increase survival, with knowledge, with early detection, better diagnostics, and knowledgeable and trained medical practitioners, teachers, and caregivers. And to encourage treatment as a huge percentage of childhood cancers have a survival rate," said Lion Dr. Balpreet Matharu, the Pediatric Cancer convenor for the district.
The event was flagged off by Sunil and Trupti Shah, the directors of Glacier Products, Dairyland Limited, from SSD Temple in Lower Kabete. He was joined by Lion Joyce Ndegwa, the District Governor of Lions Club District 411A.
The event was also attended by other dignitaries, including Lion Govindbhai Shah, the district convener for fundraising Walk District 411A, and representatives from Dairyland.

About 28 Lions clubs and 8 Leo clubs participated and supported the cause. Lion Govind Shah, the fundraising walk convenor, urged more people to join the fight against pediatric cancer adding that anyone who wishes to contribute to this cause can do so through a pay bill number (982800) and an account number (20001260).
The Lions Clubs International District 411A is part of a global network of service clubs that aim to empower volunteers to serve their communities, meet humanitarian needs, encourage peace and promote international understanding. The district covers Kenya, Ethiopia, Seychelles and Eritrea.
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Keep Reading
Pediatric cancer is a term used to describe cancers that affect children under the age of 15. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), about 300,000 children are diagnosed with cancer each year worldwide.
The most common types of pediatric cancer are leukaemia (blood cancer), brain tumours, lymphoma (cancer of the lymph nodes) and neuroblastoma (cancer of the nerve cells).