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Developing: KEMSA board, Global fund team questioned over Sh3.7b mosquito nets tender


Senate Health Committee questions Public Procurement Regulatory Authority, KEMSA, and Global Fund teams at KICC, Nairobi. [Elvis Ogina, Standard]

Representatives from the Global Fund are appearing before the Senate Committee on Health to shed light on irregularities witnessed in the procurement of Sh3.7 billion mosquito nets tender.

On Tuesday, the suspended KEMSA Chief Executive Officer Terry Ramadhani told the committee led by Uasin Gishu Senator that reasons given by the donor which resulted in cancelation did not hold water.

Also being grilled is the Director-General Public Procurement Regulatory Authority (PPRA), Patrick Kanyugo.

Kanyugo is expected to explain if due process was followed in the tendering process of the Sh10 million mosquito nets which were to be distributed to malaria-prone counties across the country.

Also appearing before the committee is the KEMSA board chair Irungu Nyakera and Acting CEO Dr Andrew Mulwa.

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