The Standard Group Plc is a multi-media organization with investments in media platforms spanning newspaper print operations, television, radio broadcasting, digital and online services. The Standard Group is recognized as a leading multi-media house in Kenya with a key influence in matters of national and international interest.
  • Standard Group Plc HQ Office,
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  • P.O Box 30080-00100,Nairobi, Kenya.
  • Telephone number: 0203222111, 0719012111
  • Email: corporate@standardmedia.co.ke

The psychology of a miser: Poor potty training blamed

Health & Science
 To the natural miser, the ideal situation is no money is spent. [iStock]

How is it that some people can spend money without a care in the world while others feel pained at buying themselves a pair of cheap socks? Others make concoctions or buy over the counter medicines for fear of expenses that would come with visiting hospitals.

Many Kenyans, according to the National Hospital Insurance Fund (NHIF), are forced to...

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