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PS defends Afya House over Covid-19 funds


Health PS Susan Mochache when she appeared before the National Assembly Health Committee at Continental House, Nairobi on Tuesday, May 5, 2020, on Coronaviru issues. [Boniface Okendo, Standard]

The Ministry of Health has defended itself over how it has been using millions of shillings set aside to fight Coronavirus.

PS Susan Mochache told MPs yesterday that the budget on how the funds would be used was meticulously prepared to ensure no wastage.

Mochache, who appeared before the National Assembly's Committee on Health, provided a breakdown of how the funds have been utilised.

She also explained how the ministry plans to utilise the remaining money from the National Contingency Fund and the National Treasury.

Mochache said that so far, the Afya House-based ministry has received Sh300 million from the National Contingency Fund and Sh1 billion from National Treasury, under the Universal Health Coverage plan, for strengthening human resource in fighting Covid-19.

She said Sh10 million was used by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to support Kenyan students in China while Sh75 million went to the Kenya Defence Forces.

“National Youth Service got Sh10 million to provide security at isolation and quarantine facilities while Sh150 million was spent on equipping and providing additional beds at Mbagathi Isolation Centre,” Mochache said, and defended leasing of ambulances at the cost of Sh42 million saying the vehicles have been key in high-risk areas. 

The PS said the ministry will also recruit 568 staff at Kenyatta University Teaching and Referral Hospital at a cost of Sh245 million. Another 288 staff have already been recruited at Mbagathi Covid-19 Centre at a cost of Sh125 million.

But MPs faulted some of the expenditures saying it painted the ministry in bad light, especially now that Kenyans are faced with hardships because of the pandemic. 

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