In an unexpected but thrilling move, Ten Ballz and Jay Combat have announced their collaboration on a highly anticipated single, Amen, a dynamic single that fuses the traditional sounds elements from Tanzania, showcasing their unique and captivating vocals.
This powerful partnership which pairs the two has both fans and critics alike are already buzzing about the upcoming release, and for good reason. The song serves as a universal homage to gratitude, expressing thanks to God for daily blessings and protection from dangers, transcending barriers of wealth and ethnicity.
The song, described by both artistes as an "anthem of gratitude and hope is a fusion of genres—ranging from Singeli to Amapiano with an infusion of urban soul. The two musicians bring together their unique styles and voices, aiming to deliver a track that resonates on both a spiritual and emotional level.
Ten Ballz, known for hits like "Niko Vyombo," brings a rich cultural background from Congo, Kenya, and Tanzania, while Jay Combat, an emerging star in the Singeli genre with his track "Wivu Singeli," aims to uplift the world with their positive energy.
"We wanted to create something that celebrates the journey, the struggle, and the triumphs that we all go through, especially as we move into a new year," Ten Ballz. "This is not just a song of praise for the divine, but a recognition of everything that empowers and inspires us—it's about hope, healing, and the unity of all people."
Recently, Ten Ballz waded into the Willy Paul verse Diamond Platnumz debacle, in which he criticized the Kenyan singer for his antics, asking him to mend fences with the Bongo star.