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How can I change my bad habits?


Hi Chris,

I have a lot of bad habits like I’m always late, my place is always messy and I hold grudges forever. Why am I like this because my bad habits are making my life worse!

Bad Habits

Chris says,

Hi, Bad Habits!

You become what you do, so bad habits are a big problem. And some of them will make you very unhappy indeed.

Because bad habits prevent you from becoming successful. But our habits are a choice, so decide to take control and develop some better ones.

For example, you might choose comfort, fast food and wasting time over growing your mind, health, career or relationships. Then you’ll never reach your potential. So set yourself some goals.

Instead of saying you’ll spend less time on the internet, decide you’ll only surf between 6 pm and 7 pm. Instead of vaguely saying you want to save more, set up a standing order to transfer part of your salary to a savings account every month.

Because vague promises never turn into results. Targets, on the other hand, are empowering and help you avoid the one-off exceptions.

Maybe you’re always waiting for the perfect moment.  There isn’t one. Moments are what you make them. And you’ll never be ‘ready’ for anything. Just go for every opportunity with everything you’ve got.

Maybe you’re working at a job you hate. That’s just drudgery. Find work that inspires and defines you. Choose your friends carefully, people who will encourage you to achieve your goals and never lead you astray.

Stop holding grudges, dwelling on the past or worrying about the future. Instead, immerse yourself in whatever you’re doing.

Instead of procrastinating, being late and making poor use of your time, set deadlines and stick to them. You’ll immediately feel confident and in control.

Giving up when the going gets tough also quickly becomes a habit. Running away only condemns you to endless starts.

And realise that wealth and status will not make you happy. Instead, live simply, work hard, build your relationships and help others. These are the habits that will make you truly happy.

All the best,


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