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Finding strength to rise again after fall

 Finding strength to rise again after fall (Photo: iStock)

We learn an important lesson early in life that falling is part and parcel of life. People experience a fall in various aspects of life - relationships finances or morals. Most falls are unexpected especially when one is on the rise or just about to accomplish a goal or plan. One of the biggest challenges in life is not just to start well but to finish well.

In the Gospel of Luke, Jesus gave the Parable of Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37): A lawyer had asked Jesus a question to test him saying, “Who is my neighbour?” He answered him by giving a story: A certain man went down from Jerusalem to Jericho and fell among thieves who stripped him of his clothing, wounded him then departed leaving him half dead. A priest came down the road and when he saw the man, he passed by on the other side.

Similarly, a Levite arrived at the place, he looked and passed. A Samaritan who had journeyed on that road saw him and felt compassion for him. He went to him, cleaned his wounds with wine and oil then bandaged them. He carried him on his donkey, brought him to an inn and took care of him. The next day when he departed, he gave the innkeeper money to take care of him. And told him if he spends more, he will repay him when he comes back.

Jesus then asked the lawyer, “So which of these three was neighbour to him who fell among the thieves?” He answered, “He who showed mercy on him.” Then Jesus said to him, “Go and do likewise.” The traveller is considered a foolish man because this road is known for its many dangers. It was rugged, rocky, dark and harboured thieves and criminals.

It is amazing how many times we make reckless decisions or moves in life that expose us to serious dangers or a fall. The reference here of ‘a certain man’ implies that anyone can fall. Ideally, people do not, for example, get married to divorce or start a business for it to be insolvent or start a church for it to fold up. This happens because of various reasons.

The man fell and the thieves took advantage of that to attack him. You will be surprised to know the number of people waiting to take advantage of you when you fall. Many people cannot handle a fall when they run into things they least expected and just cannot handle it to rise again.

Falling is worse when one is used to winning. Boxer Mike Tyson was the world champion at a young age with almost 40 victories and no losses. Then Bunter Douglas came into the scene and punched Tyson to the ground and he never recovered from that fall. When you start falling, the same people who sang praises to you will turn around and say ‘Crucify him’! When Jonathan was killed together with his father and brothers in the battle of Mount Gilboa; it hit David so hard that he wondered how the mighty could have fallen.

When you fall, people may think you have always been down and may define you by that status. You must focus on getting up and a comeback. You may have lost stuff or been gossiped so now you have nowhere to go but up! The priest did not offer any help because he was concerned about his image and if he touched the wounded man it would make him unclean. The Levite was sorrowful but did not want to risk his life by stopping because of the dangers that lurked on this road.

The Samaritan saw the fallen and wounded man’s need and attended to him so that he could rise again. You too will get help from a neighbour who will clean, bandage your wounds and take care of you until you recover fully and rise. The enemy may have stripped you of glory, power and splendour; beaten and left you half dead; and taken everything from you. Have no fear! You are still here and God’s unconditional love is all you need for a comeback.

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