European women place a high emphasis on beauty and self-care. Taking care of themselves is an integral part of their lives and is not viewed as a chore. Spa treatments are viewed as a necessary part of life, rather than a luxury.
1. Swedish sauna technique
This is one of my favorite beauty tips as it has excellent health benefits. The Swedes use dry heat to help get rid of body toxins. This is also a tip I learned from my mother. Stay in a sauna for 10 to 15 minutes and then have a cold shower for about 15 seconds.
After that, you can rest on a couch for 15 minutes. If you like, you can repeat the process. If you don’t have access to a sauna, you could use your shower to interchange between hot water and cold water. Make the shower as hot as you can and then switch to extremely cold water.
Always end with a cold shower. Some of the benefits include improved circulation, better sleep and stress relief. It also burns calories.
2. French red wine and food
Many French women live by the motto, “drink one glass of red wine every day and walk for at least 30 minutes.” Red wine has anti-inflammatory benefits, anti-aging benefits, and it helps to regulate appetite.
Drinking a glass daily is the secret to their youthful and trim appearance. The French also enjoy their food and eat well at mealtimes.
Their diet is similar to the Mediterranean diet, with an emphasis on vegetables, fish, olive oil, and whole grains. They eat in moderation, and avoid snacking.
3. Italian beauty
Italians use natural remedies in their beauty routines.
• Lemon – mixed with water, this is a natural toner which evens out skin tone.
• Olive oil – extra virgin olive oil contains antioxidants that help keep the skin youthful. I know a lady in her 70s who swears by olive oil, and as a result, she looks only 50. She slathers it all over her skin, from head to toe.
• Garlic - rub the sliced edge of half a clove of garlic on your pimple for an effective home remedy.
• Castor oil – they keep their lashes strong and long, by applying castor oil at night.
4. Turkish beauty
Yogurt or kefir is a necessity for most Turkish people, therefore it is served with most meals to aid digestion, and is also applied externally. Kefir and yogurt are pro-biotics which play a big role in skin health.
Acne, eczema, and psoriasis will improve when pro-biotics are introduced into the diet. They also help to maintain the skin’s moisture thereby minimizing the appearance of wrinkles.
As we can see from all these cultures, beauty comes from a life of moderation and a good cleansing routine. Incorporating some of these tips into your lifestyle will no doubt result in flawless skin you can be proud of.