Nothing terrifies a man more than hearing the words "I am pregnant," whether he is married or not.
Why you ask?
To begin with, weekends will no longer be spent hanging out with the boys; instead, they will be devoted to family time.
Next, bringing a child into this world is a lifelong duty that cannot be reversed once it begins, and who doesn't want a reset button now and then?
So yes, babies are adorable, but they also come with a lot of responsibility. If you're not sure you're ready for one, here are some signs your girlfriend is:
Baby talk has become a normCouples will occasionally talk about babies if of course they want to take the relationship to the next level.
If, on the other hand, your partner is constantly talking about babies, discussing room colors, and even choosing baby names, you're in for a wild trip, my brother. It'll only be a matter of time until they begin to doubt your position in the relationship.
They notice children everywhereHave your dates become "look at that gorgeous boy running" or "that baby girl is so adorable"? Or how every film always ends up with you guys talking about a family? If yes, your girl is suffering from baby fever.
If you are not ready, you should speak with her before she starts pressuring you into having one or simply becoming pregnant.

If your girl is in charge of planning all baby showers and gender reveal parties, you can bet she's secretly planning her own. Nothing says "I'm ready for a baby" like a lady who is overjoyed when her pals announce their pregnancy.
They’ve started noticing youYes, most women rarely compliment their partners, but once they begin to notice the tiny things you do and how much you care, they will see a father in you.
They're probably already picturing how much you'll care for and love those little ones, just as you do for them, and saying things like "it'll be no big issue when we have kids."
They are showing an interest in baby shopsHave you noticed your partner spending a lot of time looking for baby stores online? If you haven't already, you've probably noticed how fascinated she is by baby stores in the mall.
She may claim that she only wants to know the pricing for the future, but don't be misled; the future is now for her.
Picturing herself pregnantOkay, this is a stretch, but some women go so far as to imagine how their baby bumps will look and then ask you about it. You really ought to pay more attention if you've been answering "you'll look cute" without thinking.
Tip: Having a baby is a big deal and both parties should be on board, if you are genuinely not ready don’t wait to be surprised. Talk it over with your partner and ensure you are both on the same page on the decision you make.