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Five surprising traits men find unattractive in women

 Men have things they find unattractive in women too (Photo: Courtesy)

We hear all the time about what women find unattractive in men. Women don’t go for men who aren’t financially stable, men who aren’t ambitious and men who aren’t capable of holding a family down, among other qualities.

This topic often becomes sensitive when it’s men’s turn to talk about what they don’t find attractive in women. Some of these things on this list might be surprising but they hold a lot of truth. Read on:

Over independence

Being capable of taking care of yourself is part of survival. It’s important for women to secure themselves financially because sometimes life can be unpredictable.

The issue comes in when you’re too independent to be with a man. Of course some women are okay with that but there are still so many who secretly want a man but are too embarrassed to admit that.

If you’re okay with handling life on your own, there’s no problem. But if you would want to find someone special and get married one day, you should learn to relax more on the independence bandwagon and create more time for dating without throwing your financial status and might on every man’s face.


The times we are living in makes it okay for some women to put men down. People are quick to shout that ‘men are trash’ when in reality it might be the men they’re going for or attracting. In short, you picked the man and you might be the one with the problem of distinguishing good from bad men.

This is interesting because the same women will still want to find someone to love them, while they’re still carrying unresolved baggage.

Being hang up on an ex who gave you character development can make you very bitter and this trait quickly repels the men you want to be with.

 Some women think the over sexual appeal is attractive (Photo: Courtesy)

Many women assume that an over sexual kind of appeal is what quality men want. You might feel the pressure to show more skin and expose yourself on the internet when the truth is that it blocks people from taking you seriously and appreciating you for who you are.

The confusing thing here is that so many women don’t want to be sexualized yet they sexualize themselves for validation and good quality men see that and run.

Immodesty attracts the kind of men who would want you for a good time but not a long time.


Once good men find out that you are ‘for the streets,’ it will be hard for them to take you seriously. We’re now being told that it’s okay to have sex with whoever you want, even on the first date but the same people who are preaching that won’t be there for you when you’re living in regret over the bad choices you made in the past.

For sure promiscuity isn’t a good trait for both men and women. But, as a woman, you stand a lesser chance of attracting a good man if you have a reputation for sleeping around. This may not sound fair but it is what it is.


Men know all the games immature women play. They don’t like it when you claim to be grown yet you don’t know how to handle yourself like an adult in relationships.

Avoid the childish games that brand you as a manipulative person. It’s better to be your authentic self for a healthy drama-free relationship.

Crying, mean, remarks, throwing tantrums, emotional manipulation and threats are such a turn off to men including those who are only out to have fun.

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