It’s highly unlikely that anybody would purposely want to attract a cheater. Unfortunately, we don’t always realise that some personal traits and habits draw unpleasant people towards us without us realising. This can be a never-ending cycle if the issue isn’t curbed from the beginning.
Fear of being aloneSome people look at singleness like a punishment. This results in a person settling for anyone that temporarily fills that void of loneliness. This type of person will entertain someone who they know isn’t right because they view it as better than not having a partner.
To avoid this, build self-love and self-confidence until you don’t feel the need to be validated by a relationship status. A partner does not complete you, they simply add to your (already existing) greatness!

Choosing the same type of partner over and over again, and being disappointed each time will not result in some miraculous breakthrough. To break this cycle, one has to let go of the notion that each partner will change for the better over time. What you accept at the beginning is what will continue.
Simply take a step back, analyse recurring patterns and make a mental note of them next time you’re about to get into a brand new relationship so that you can stop the cycle right at the beginning.
Playing the victimYou might not even realise that your negative habits attract cheaters. This means that you are not a ‘victim’ of cheating. Like often attracts like and a negative person will attract a negative partner. We sometimes carry our own negative patterns into our love life and tend to blame the unfaithful party when those patterns are manifested in their choice to cheat.
Being self-aware is a powerful trait to have. Be aware of whether you are an enabler, inhospitable, judgemental or an insecure partner. As a human being, you cannot attain perfection, but you can certainly work on bettering yourself over time.
If a thing had to be named after you, what would that thing be? (and why)