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Why fat men make the best husbands



Recent research shows that fat men make the best husbands compared to other men. Men with big bellies last longer in bed simply because they think more of their partners than themselves and have enhanced stamina in the bedroom. What’s something you’d like to say to an ex?

Ladies, there is a lot of stereotyping when choosing the kind of man to settle down with. There is the muscle man whom everyone assumes is the best when it comes to bedroom issues. However, research has now proved it that fat men make the best husbands compared to other men.

Here are top benefits of dating a fat man;

They are the most affectionate

Every woman can hang herself for a man with a six pack and big biceps, but being cuddled by a plump guy will make you feel more adored and loved.

They are modest

Most fat guys are never pretentious about themselves, they are comfortable under their own skin and they never pressure their partners about outer beauty and weight issues.

They are better lovers

A recent study has shown that men with big bellies last longer in bed simply because they think more of their partners than themselves and have enhanced stamina in the bedroom.

Chubby men have great personalities

Fat men have greater personalities than the muscle men. They have high self-esteem and confidence despite their body shape, compared with muscle man who spends time in the gym trying to maintain weight.

They always have time for their partners

Chubby men will always have time for you, unlike the muscle man who never has time for you. The muscle man is always in the gym working out wanting to gain some six pack.

They are better defenders

Chubby men command authority everywhere they go. These means more security for you. The moment you are spotted by the big man the respect is automatic.

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