Women in their 40s are plagued with anxiety and a lack of sex drive says a new survey
Women's sexual peak could be up to 15 years earlier than previously thought, according to a new report.
Though women were reported to reach the peak of sexual confidence and experience in their mid-30s to early 40s, a poll has found that woman are actually becoming more insecure in the bedroom as the years advance.
It has revealed that the menopause is removing desire and leaving women feeling unattractive - although many women are missing the cues that it's because of the upcoming change in their bodies.
Vitamin company Healthspan have reported that around a third of women are having their menopause aged 40, meaning they could spend anything up to 20 years battling with insomnia, hot flushes, mood swings and anxiety, with some even struggling with a weak bladder.
Almost 75 per cent of those questioned revealed that the menopause has had an impact on their relationship.
Half of the women polled said that they feel unattractive, with two thirds not interested in sex.
Conversely in their 20s woman are at their most sexually confident, with more than a quarter saying 41 to 45 signify the worst years for sex.