Since the outbreak of COVID-19, you have probably taught your children all the games under the sun, watched every age appropriate movie and read all the books available, but the days still move at a snail’s space.
To keep your children entertained and productive at the same time, you need to consider engaging them in activities that are likely to challenge them.
One of the best ways to do that is by teaching them how to cook. To assist you in this line, we look at some easy meals you can teach your children how to prepare
Children are always hungry and will always be bothering you to whip up something for them every hour. You don’t have to get up all the time to make them easy meals like sandwiches, you can actually teach them how to do it.
In most cases a sandwich will need a single protein, an onion, a tomato, and some mayonnaise and tomato sauce for the filling. All these are ingredients that the children can mostly handle on their own.
Also, to ensure that your children don’t use a knife without your supervision, you can always chop the vegetables before storing.
While smoothies might not really be solid food but they can actually keep kids healthy as they help reduce their junk intake.
Instead of giving crisps or crackers, you can teach your kids easy smoothie recipes that they can make when bored or hungry. The best part is that a blender is easy to use and is less likely to cause a mess.
You can have them try the banana, blueberry and milk smoothie, whose ingredients are readily available in your kitchen and are easy to work with.
Whether you are going for a fruit, vegetable or a protein packed salad, salads can be one of the easiest recipes to teach your children. Salads don’t involve heat hence you can be sure of their safety when they are mixing the complements in a bowl.
Also, if you worry about your children using a knife, you can supervise how they chop the vegetables of better do it for them in advance.
Preparing a rice dish is probably one of the easiest things to do. Considering how much children love rice, it wouldn’t hurt to teach them how to cook their favourite meal at least.
Not unless you have a rice cooker, you will need to supervise how your children cook the rice or teach them how to do it carefully.
Since you don’t need your children spending a lot of time by the fire, you can teach them how to make spaghetti on their own. All they have to do is add the spaghetti sticks to the hot water and wait. However, this should be done with your supervision. When the spaghetti is ready, they can add tomato sauce and the meal is done.