Many working parents have the same complaint. They feel like they don’t have enough time for their kids particularly during the workweek. Even now with working from home, it’s very easy to go a whole day sitting infront of a laptop, answering phone calls, and trying to ensure that life goes on as smoothly as possible, that the end of the day reaches and you’re wondering where the time went.
We all want to be present for our kids, to witness milestones, be there on the first day of school. We want to teach them to ride their bikes and read to them before bedtime.
If you’re wondering how you can spend more time with your kids, read on.
1. Make use of the time available
It’s very rare to get large chunks of free time during the week that you can dedicate to your children. Instead of stressing about the lack of sufficient time, make use of what is available like dinner time, the few minutes you get to read them a bedtime story or watching a cartoon with them.
Children appreciate even the little things so don’t sweat the big stuff. You might only get to spend 10 minutes outside helping them ride their bicycle or watching them kick their ball and they’ll appreciate it.
2. Decompress before you enter the house
It’s so easy to carry the stresses of the day home with you and let it all out on your kids and spouse. To avoid this, spend a few minutes on your commute to relax. If you’re using public means, alight before your stop and take a longer walk home. Do a short, calming meditation to relieve stress and anxiety. Breathing exercises are also very calming.
Remember when you’re calm, your kids will be happier and more inclined to spend time with you.
3. Put away your gadgets
I’m very guilty of paying more attention to my phone than to my surroundings. This habit makes it harder to be present.
Keep your phone away or on flight mode while you’re at home, particularly when you’re with your kids. The few minutes that you’re not on your phone are valuable minutes you could be spending with your kids. Schedule time to check your messages and catch up with social media after your kids have gone to bed.
4. Physical touch
My daughter thrives on physical touch. She loves hugs and kisses. Many children are the same. A simple hug makes them happy, calms them down and reminds them that they are loved.
Hug your kids when you walk into the house. Hold their hand while you watch TV together. Give them a kiss before they sleep.
When it comes to spending time with your kids, a little goes a long way. Don’t stress if you find that you can’t give them the two hours you wish you could. You’re a good parent and they appreciate that you have to work in order to provide for them. Your best is good enough.