A dumb 85-year-old granny is fighting for her life at the Jaramogi Oginga Odinga Teaching and Referral Hospital (JOOTRH) in Kisumu after she was gang raped, battered and left to die.
The grandmother was yesterday scheduled to undergo a medical operation at the hospital as doctors fought to save her life.
The hospital's chief administrator Juliana Otieno said the old lady was out of danger after she was examined to determine the extent of injuries she suffered.
"She was bleeding a lot when she was brought here but we have attended to her and we are just waiting for the examination report from the theatre to inform our next move" Juliana said yesterday afternoon.
Close relatives said she also coughed blood when they found her in the morning. They said she complained of severe waist and chest pains.
Her daughter in-law Rose Akoth reported that a group of about three youthful men used sticks to sexually abuse her in her Nyahera home on the outskirts of Kisumu town.
The men, she described, drilled a hole on the wall of the two-roomed house where Aloo slept alone, tied her up and gagged her before raping raping her in turns on Wednesday night.
"She said they descended on her with blows to the chest and back after raping her. They then carried her and headed with her away from her home," Ms Akoth described.
"Neighbours informed us that she had been found tied up at a bush far away from home. So we rushed there and took her the hospital," she said.
The old lady who has been widowed for over 20 years was first taken to Nyahera sub-county hospital and was immediately referred to JOOTRH for specialized care.
The grandmother to over 20 children, Ms Akoth said, was under their care by the day but slept alone in her house at night.
"She can barely support herself and so we cater to her during the day and once we have ensured she is in bed, she is usually just okay," she said, adding that one of her sons who lived close to her and tended to her emergencies. He was however away on the fateful night.
She said they had reported the matter to the police and investigations are on.
She described Aloo as a loving grandmother who had raised upright family.
"For the 15 years I have known her, she has been a jolly disciplinarian with a kind heart. She loves her grandchildren," she said.