Recently, a pal of mine, a successful Public Relations officer in her mid-30s, confided in me about an ongoing problem she faces in her dating life: She feels that she’s simply too tall for most men, standing at almost six feet.
Despite her drop dead gorgeous beauty, men are scared of her. After we had this chit chat, I promised her, while as I may not get her a tall man worth her beauty and success, I could get her lots of interesting tales to cope with her solitude up there.
So as soon I managed to shake my clan, I quickly left the house under the guise of going for a car wash. As soon as I was out of the gate, I called Frao. “You guy, where are you?” “Where do you expect me to me on a Saturday night?” Frao shot back.
With that kind of response, I figured he must have been on his fifth double shot of Jameson. “Come slowly or else, I won’t buy tonight,” I threatened.
“Am already tipsy, have I been drinking on your account? Nkt,” he yelled. I quickly beat a hasty retreat, and just told him to order something to bite. As soon as I got there, I discovered why Frao was that arrogant; there was a new girl at the table, and knowing Frao, I knew he likes springing to the front of the queue.
So sensing that there may be completion for the lass’ attention, Frao was talking with all the bravado so that he looked like the only real tough guy on the table.
As soon as my drinks were served, as the gods would have it, I was served by a tall waitress and from there on I knew I would not struggle to explain myself to the boys.
“Frao, would you date a chick taller than you?” I asked. “Never, no way,” He thundered. “Even if she looks like Angelina Jolie and Beyoncé rolled into one?” I insisted. “Does she have their money combined?” he shouted back. “Since when did you become a pimp?” I challenged him.
“Ok, Tony what is your point?” he asked. “My point is, I got a tall gorgeous professional woman, drives a BMW 320 and lives in Kilimani, and she is a lonely heart, just Imagine!
Nincompoops like you give her wide berth since they do not want to be seen with a taller woman in public. “Just listen, and listen good Tony,” he started.
“I cannot crane my neck to fix a bulb at home, and still crane my neck to get a peck off my woman. No way!” he protested. But honestly, there is nothing wrong with that, I thought all that matters is chemistry and love? I argued. “Do you want me to be the guy who leaves behind my woman’s shadow not because of anything but because she is tall and I look like am a Chihuahua being walked at hotel lobbies?” he asked.
“Just say you got inferiority problems, but do not say taller woman are ‘undatable’,” Mark, whom is usually quiet when sober, interjected. “If the woman is too tall, she always gets noticed by men. A taller woman, especially if she scores highly on the looks department, is a liability to a man.”
“Why is this so?” I asked. “As they say a man who marries a beautiful woman and a farmer who grows his crops by the roadside have similar problems.
She will always get noticed by other men easily, as she stands out from the crowd,” Mark argued.
To him, most short men looking to prove something, the sight of a tall beautiful woman presents the perfect and spectacular prey!