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Signs that your partner is emotionally imbalanced

My Man

Relationships are taxing and require a lot of effort to work out, but having an emotionally unstable partner can make things all the more difficult. Fostering a healthy relationship requires a stable and mature partner.

The problem is that nobody presents themselves as a crazy partner when you first meet. That amiable, charismatic and seemingly harmless guy you just met might turn out to be highly irrational and overly emotional.

It is perfectly normal for people in relationships to exhibit certain ‘crazy’ behaviour, like extreme jealousy once in a while, but when this psycho type behaviour shows up repetitively, you might be dealing with an emotionally unhealthy partner.

 Fortunately, there are signs that you can look out for to determine if your new love interest is mentally imbalanced.


If you find that your newfound beau demands your attention all the time, he may be mentally unstable. He calls persistently, shows up at your place unannounced and always wants to be around you. This type of behaviour can leave you feeling trapped, smothered and suffocated.

He will get angry and feel abandoned when he detects the slightest pullback from you, even if it’s for good reason, like work. It is like he wants you to choose between him and everything else going on in your life.

Isolated lifestyle

It is a huge red flag of a person’s emotional state if they lack connection with other people. Difficulty in establishing intimate relationships with others is indicative of psychological issues.

 A healthy adult needs healthy and functioning relationships with friends, family members, coworkers and neighbours.

 The fact that he lives as a loner could mean that he has intimacy problems and is too guarded. He fears or doesn’t feel the need to connect with other people. Such a person struggles to maintain long-term relationships.

Overwhelmed by everyday frustrations

We all have those off-days or times when we feel overwhelmed with life, but most well-adjusted people usually bounce back in no time and those episodes are few and far in between.

 When your significant other has that day when he or she is feeling down and doesn’t feel like getting out of bed, it should not be a cause for alarm. However, when this happens too often, there is a real cause to be concerned.

The day-to-day life is full of hassles and most people learn to deal with them reasonably. Keep an eye out for people who want to curl up in a big ball and die every time something doesn’t go their way

Exhibits addictive tendencies

Drugs and alcohol can destroy any relationship, leave alone a romantic relationship. Any addiction, whether it is drugs, alcohol, porn or gambling, has adverse effects on a relationship.

A person who has an addiction is a skilled liar and will often do or say anything to conceal his behaviour. Substance abuse can quickly break down trust and communication to a point of no return. Couples in relationships in which a partner abuses drugs or alcohol are often unhappy.

Compulsive liar

People in relationships tell each other little white lies all the time. However,  if your partner keeps telling you lies and sometimes for no reason at all, he may not be well mentally.

Dating a habitual liar means that your relationship will be marred by doubts, anger and bitterness. Trust is the cornerstone of healthy relationships and if you can’t trust anything that comes out of your partner’s mouth, the relationship is doomed to fail.

Belittles you and others

A person who tries to put you down or make you feel inferior usually suffers from inferiority complex and needs to put you down to make himself feel better. He likes to feel in control and will say anything to make you feel weak and stupid.


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