Have a look and see if you rfecognise any of the traita in your partner:
1. They are so laid back about everything. - Harley Marshall, Manchester
2. How they watch an entire football match but still have to watch the highlights on Match of the Day. - Clare, North Wales
3. You go to town shopping with them, then they get the hump in the first shop. - Nadia Winnifrith, Crawley
4. They get so engrossed into a game console they suddenly can't hear what you're saying. - Amalicia Richards, Trowbridge
5. Why does a 10 minute job such as putting a picture on the wall take a man all day - sometimes weeks - to do? - Vicki, Essex
6. Why do they find farting so amusing? - Debbie Hunt, Cornwall
7. They don't think to put the toilet seat down, even when reminded 10 times a day! - Justine Harris, Essex
8. You talk to them, then you ask them something you've said and they haven't listened to a word. - Nadia Winnifrith, Crawley
9. Why is it so hard not to stuff their face before dinner? - Nicola Cardall, Birmingham
10. They leave clothes beside the laundry basket and not in it... - Katie Langman, Hull
11. Why can they fall asleep the second they sit down somewhere and then embarrass you with snoring like a pig? - Amy Mistry, Doncaster
12. They never replace the empty toilet roll. - Lisa Cummins, Dublin
13. They can spend an hour on the toilet. Why? - Julie G, Glasgow
14. They are so grumpy at restaurants and complain about everything until their food arrives. - Shazahna Broome, Bradford
15. Why they leave the towel on the bed after showering instead of putting it on the towel rack. - Laura Hodgkinson, Manchester
16. They think women actually enjoy grocery shopping..... we don't! - Nicola Ritchie, Scotland
17. Why can they never find things - even those things staring them straight in the face!' - Betty Boop, Cambridgeshire
18. How when they can't find something they blame you for hiding it... - Katie Langman, Hull
19. Having sheds they spend hours in. - Bev Turner, Norfolk
20. Their inability to show their feelings. - Lynsey Schofield, Blackpool
21. Needing the TV remote even when not watching it, or he watches three seconds of every channel and then announces there's nothing on. - Janet Davies, Durham
22. When they stand up to wee, they splash everywhere. Why don't they just sit down! - Kelly North, Plymouth
23. How they remember dates of past football games and remember all the players' names, yet they can't remember the day they got married or their partner's birthday' - Sara Kay-Jones, Bristol
24. They say one thing then do the opposite... - Theresa Marriott, West Sussex
25. He will wear the same socks for a week unless I steal them to wash. - Janet Davies, Durham
26. Why do they think they know the answer to everything? - Teresa Darlison, Leeds
27. They look like they are listening however they haven't paid attention or heard anything you've been saying. - Annemarie Brady, Belfast
28. They will moan when they want to watch something you don't like until you give in and let them, only to snore all the way through it. - Andrea Day, East London
29. Why do they feel it's ok to let wind anywhere they like? Vile. - Leah Holmes, Dublin
30. Why we have to give so many hints before they finally get a present right. - Elaine Crowe, Ireland
31. How any colour between salmon and fuchsia is "pink" and therefore the same. - Janet Davies, Durham
32. Why do men assume that a cupboard door or drawer will just close by itself and when it doesn't, they don't notice or care. - Jackie Kelly, Shropshire
33. I don't understand the obsession with XBox/Playstation etc and the need to play it for around five hours in one go! And how when they are playing it they lose all ability to function, listen or speak! - Jessica, Ayrshire
34. What is it about cars that is so amazing? - Zoe Livett
35. They think fruit and veg will poison them. - Samantha, London
36. They get crazy when the football is on and shout at the telly. - Billie Clarke, Northampton
37. Making you watch a film and always falling asleep. - Bev Turner, Norfolk
38. Why are they always messy and lazy? For example empty food packets everywhere, dirty dishes and dirty washing all over the floor. - Claire Colton, Dublin
39. How men can sit around and watch a ball being kicked around for hours and just shout at the screen - only to watch it all over again the next week, then complain about us watching our soaps which actually have a plot to them? - Emilia Leahy, Kerry, Ireland
40. They always feel the need to have their hand in their trousers. - Shannon Mooney, Moate
41. Their inability to rush and hurry things along quickly. - Abbie Smith, Southport
42. They can wear the same clothes around the house just relaxing for a night out and still look good and not out of place. - Lorraine Cuffe, Swords
43. They talk about footballers as if they know them personally. - Lauren Coulahan, Dublin
44. Using every pot and utensil to make one meal. - Michelle Winters, Dublin
45. How they can spend ages looking at screws and nails in hardware shops. - Janet Davies, Durham
46. Why do they always think they are right? - Laura Foley, Limerick
47. They always mistake the floor for a wardrobe! - Siobhan, Somerset
48. What is with the obsession of drawing penises on everything or joking about them when they have one themselves? - Emma Fulford, Hull
49. Their inability in remembering to take a cup/plate out and put it in the sink after using it. - Amy, Durham
50. Their obsession with cars and spending hours looking under the bonnet. - Bev Turner, Norfolk