In our relationships, we all love it when things are going really well. It's easy for the love to flow when there's peace and no arguments.
Eventually, however, challenges will arise, no matter how hard you try to avoid them. You will find yourselves disagreeing about certain things, and this could even escalate into a big fight.
During these times, the last thing you want to do is see or even talk to each other. Reconnecting will be a challenge for some time, but you can both learn to reconcile more quickly by following these tips:
Give each other spaceIt's not always easy to admit that you need space from your partner. You don't want to come off as an unloving or uncaring person but, sometimes it's just necessary.
Space will give you time to cool off so that the argument doesn't continue doing more damage. It's also important because you will have time to reflect on where you might have gone wrong.
You can choose to go for a walk alone or go somewhere that makes you feel calmer, then after a while come back home and talk about it.
Lay down the egoWhenever arguments happen egos get bruised. Both sides have their guard up because no one likes to feel like their views are unimportant.
In this situation, having a big ego won't really help solve anything. You need to lay it down so that you can be open to understanding each other's perspectives, and if you're wrong, you should apologize instead of forcing your need to be right.
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Withdrawing your love from each other can easily trigger deeper resentment. Doing things like giving the silent treatment or stopping the things you do for them, like preparing breakfast for example, is actually a toxic response.
Separate the argument you've just had from the bond you share so you can encourage each other to reconcile faster.
Communicate in a healthy wayKind words and a humble attitude go a long way when a situation like this comes up. You might be the one who has been offended but, it will be very counterproductive to approach the conversation with pride.
You can let each other know what your perspectives are in a calm manner, which is part of healthy communication. This can be extremely difficult to do but, it will prevent heated arguments in future.
Genuinely forgiveThe last thing that can help is to forgive each other without holding any grudges. Some things people do are very hurtful but it's still possible to reach a point where you truly let it go.
Forgiveness doesn't mean that you have no right to feel the way you do about a situation. It's a gift to yourself because it saves you from a life of bitterness.
So, you can both choose to forgive quickly and genuinely for your relationship to thrive. You also have to avoid harmful habits like bringing up things that your partner did years ago whenever you argue.