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The ugly truth of body shaming pregnant and postpartum women

 Musician Wahu Kagwi (Photo: Instagram/ Wahu)

Body shaming is an issue that affects people of all ages, genders, and backgrounds, but one group that is particularly vulnerable is women who have given birth. Sadly, many new mothers face negative comments and criticism about their bodies, which can lead to feelings of shame, anxiety, and depression.

According to a recent study by the British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, nearly 75% of pregnant women have reported experiencing body shaming or negative comments about their weight. This statistic is shocking, and it highlights the fact that many women are subjected to unfair and hurtful comments about their bodies during pregnancy and postpartum.

However, the issue of body shaming is not just limited to pregnant women. Even after giving birth, many women continue to face criticism about their appearance, especially if they do not "bounce back" to their pre-baby weight quickly enough. A study by the Journal of Health Psychology found that women who experience body shaming during pregnancy are more likely to develop postpartum depression.

Kenyan singer Wahu Kagwi is one of the many women who have experienced body shaming after giving birth. On 21st February 2023, singer Wahu Kagwi posted a photo of herself on Instagram, showing off her participation in the 1st joint committee meeting under the Talanta Hela initiative. She expressed her excitement about the initiative's progress, but what stood out for many people was her weight gain.

Unfortunately, Wahu's post was met with negative comments from some of her followers. Many of these comments were distasteful and derogatory, with some people going as far as body-shaming her. It's worth noting that most of the negative comments came from women, which highlights the sad reality that women are often their own worst critics and perpetrators of body shaming.

Despite this, she refused to be a victim of body shaming and reminded everyone that body shaming is not a reflection of the victim's worth, but rather a reflection of the shamer's lack of character and empathy. She also encouraged anyone who has been a victim of hate to stay strong and not let the negativity get to them.

Wahu's story is unfortunately not uncommon, and many women worldwide face discrimination and negative comments on their weight during pregnancy and postpartum. The consequences of body shaming extend beyond mental health, with studies showing that it can have significant impacts on physical health as well. Women who experience body shaming during pregnancy are more likely to have adverse pregnancy outcomes, such as gestational diabetes and high blood pressure.

It is clear that body shaming is a significant issue that affects women worldwide. However, there are steps that we can take to combat this problem and promote body positivity and acceptance. One important step is to raise awareness about the harmful effects of body shaming and to encourage people to think before they speak. It's also important to create safe and supportive environments for women, where they can feel free to be themselves without fear of judgment or criticism.

At the end of the day, we all deserve to feel comfortable and confident in our bodies, regardless of our size or shape. By promoting body positivity and acceptance, we can create a world where women feel empowered to embrace their bodies and live their lives to the fullest.

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