I listened with amusement as my male friends ranted, not really rant, but argued and complained about the use of sex toys, female sex toys in particular.
We are here having a drink and these boys of mine can't stand the fact that women are now finding pleasure in toys than humans.
They think it is gross for a woman to find pleasure in a mere toy, which to them means a man is as useless in a woman's life as a petticoat in 2022.
See, I enjoy male company as compared to my gender because here's where I get real-time male thoughts about stuff, sensitive stuff and topics that we can only discuss in low tones.
Ted-talks that I shouldn't hear, but I do anyway. Relevance in sexitivities is slowly vanishing and the male species is now endangered, thanks to the availability of sex toys in the market. This is is what most men believe.
Using toys
My friends argue that we have suddenly become 'greedy' and lost our femininity by using toys on ourselves.
The reason why most women complain of not being satisfied in sexitivities is because they keep comparing toys and penises.
Like, this is a toy that uses batteries and power and there's no way it can compete with a human being who must be aroused and psychologically prepared to have good coitus.
Now, can we have a candid conversation about this whole toy thing? Why in the devil's name are humans being compared to toys kwanza? Because if a man is really worried about his sexability that he's intimidated by a vibrator that's simply powered by batteries and has to be 'shown around' for it to perform, then there's a bigger problem that we need to talk about, forget toys!
A mere toy won't, can't take anything away from a couple's sexual relationship. If anything, it will spice up and spark an otherwise dull and boring union. A woman using a sex toy for pleasure doesn't mean she looks down upon her man( if she has one, or two). It neither means she might not desire a man. They do. But adventure never hurt anyone.
These are some of the reasons why men should not worry about the emergency and use of sex toys by women.
It's just a toy
Sex toys are just that - toys. They can never replace a human being. A toy can't flirt, can't caress, it can't hold an erotic conversation with its user. There's no pillow talk after an ecstatic moment with something that you got to recharge for it to work on you. I wonder how it is even possible talking about toys being human replacements.
A vibrator can give multiple, toe-curling, wet orgasms but it won't clean itself after service. It can neither clean the user and say a big thank you after a steamy night.
No post-coital cuddling because thing needs to be commanded by batteries and a hand to perform its 'duty', then cleaned thereafter. Orgasms are the thing, they are a human right, but there's a lot more that just the normal thrusting, that makes sex make sense.
Real time sex is more than just getting physically intimate.
No toy can match the emotional engagement of a passionate, mutual sexapade or sexitivity. No variety, no adventure, nothing new to try out because sasa si the vibe is helpless?
Being held
Well, we all want to be held and felt, no? So why the hell would a man who knows how sweet the feeling of being held is, think that a mere vibe can replace a penis? That he'll be dumped for a dildo?
You guys have no idea about the beauty of the male anatomy. God is an artiste and he worked well on the male version of a human being. Divine. Miraculous. An instant turn on. I bet no woman looks at a vibe then suddenly wows and becomes slippery. Absolutely no woman.
So y'all men getting worried and being threatened by some pink vibe should get worried about your sexual prowess and work on it. She ain't gonna dump you for her toy, but will just prefer her toy working on her than you.