A girl's trip is every bestie group's dream. It's so thrilling to picture all the fun you will have on your girly vacay, whether you're planning a short staycation or a faraway trip.
If you and your friends are yet to go on one, what are you waiting for? As the Covid restrictions continue to ease and with the countless number of affordable hotels and Airbnbs available, now more than ever is the best time to create new memories with your fav girls.
The thought of making it happen may seem like such a chore but the truth is, organizing for a trip is much easier than you think. And if you want to have the ultimate girl's trip experience the Kenyan way, follow these tips.
Form a WhatsApp group
The thing that discourages people from planning a group trip is the miscommunication. There's usually a lot of information to be shared during each step of the process and often, people end up canceling last minute when something wasn't properly communicated.
This stress has led to bad rifts between friends, and one way you can avoid all that is a simple WhatsApp group.
Most Kenyans communicate on WhatsApp mainly so you won't have a hard time getting everyone together in one group. This is where you will discuss the budget and ensure that everyone is aware of any change of plans easily.
Brainstorm on the perfect location
Get everyone's ideas on the best location or your trip. Many Kenyan girlies would choose 'soft life' locations with a hotel but, if you and your besties are adventurous, you can opt for a camping experience.
Let everyone contribute then vote on the best destination that fits your taste and budget. This will at least ensure that everyone is happy.
Budget for enough food
Kenyans love good food. In fact, there is no occasion that can be fully complete without some really good food and booze, if we're being honest.
So, if you've decided that you will cook some food for your road trip, make sure that you've done your calculations correctly. Confirm that what you have planned for will be enough for everyone, including snacks.

This is a crucial step because you don't want to end up hungry and sad when you should be having a good time. It will also help you avoid the whole process of finding a decent restaurant or supermarket because you will be fully prepared.
Drinks, drinks, drinks
Like aforementioned, Kenyans love to party hence the nickname of 'a drinking nation', which is kind of true if you think about it.
If you're going to a location where you might not have easy access to stores, make sure you pack enough for the days you will be away.
But, avoid getting caught up in the fun to a point where you're okay with drinking and driving. What you can do is hire someone to drive you to and from your destination or, choose the responsible friend in the group to drive. Do not drink and drive.
Have a playlist ready
Silence and bad music can kill the vibe. You need the kind of music that will keep the energy up and that is why you should choose a playlist early.
Add all the latest hits or some popular old-school jams that you will all like to dance to if you choose. If you have a speaker, charge it beforehand as well.