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Weird things men find attractive in women

 Weird things men find attractive in women (Photo: iStock)

Attraction is subjective but on people's lists of qualities they like; you will find many similarities.

We tend to be drawn to people who are physically attractive, although some will try to downplay the power of beauty.

Aside from the list of common things we are attracted to, there are some unique qualities that you would be surprised to know about.

Some ladies have confessed that they like men's feet, among other unusual things but in this article let us focus on the strange things guys find sexy in women:

Women with similar features to theirs

Have you ever seen a couple who look alike? I have and it's confusing because it's almost like you're attracted to yourself in a way.

So it turns out that some guys subconsciously go for women who share their features and there is an explanation. Psychologists have explained it as a natural desire to be with someone who is similar and familiar to you.

It might be the eyes, the nose and maybe even the jawline, who knows!

Back hair

It's hard to think about back hair without imagining a full hairy back that looks like a carpet. Okay maybe that's being a little extreme but either way, this is a feature that most ladies don't find attractive in men.

Interestingly, there are guys who actually like some back hair on a lady, specifically on the lower back.

 Some men like it when their women sulk and pick on fights with them (Photo: iStock)
Armpit hair

Armpit hair on women has been a conversational subject. It's a feature that some women find sexy in men but, it's not the same case for women.

It's still rare to find ladies rocking their armpit hair proudly and that is what makes it more exciting for guys who like it.

Big gums

Big gums often make people feel insecure about themselves. It's caused by genetics, among other factors and it's not uncommon for people to go for gum reduction surgery.

However, for some guys, this is something they specifically like. What makes this strange is, that it's quite difficult to find someone with big gums. It makes one wonder if they go around trying to spot a lady with this feature or just hope she comes along.

Double chins

This is another feature that's not considered sexy. It's basically excess fat that develops underneath your natural chin and this is common in people who are overweight and older adults.

Even though it's not conventionally attractive, some guys find it cute. If you have one, don't be in a hurry to get rid of it because there are guys out there who love it.


Smoking has a way of making someone look badass even though it's actually not good for your health. And you will hear many guys saying that smoking is a big turn-off when women do it but there are others who think it's extremely sexy.

Maybe it symbolizes a woman who likes to do what she wants which is badass in a way.

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