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10 Fashion trends to end with 2019


In an era where anything and everything is worn, it is no surprise to come across bumps here and there with some fashion trends hitting and others missing. As we cross over to a new year, a new decade actually, what better way to address some fashion topics.

Below is a list of 10 fashion trends that may rub some people the wrong way but need to face out before we crossover to 2020:

1. Crocs and socks

Where did this fashion trend come from sincerely? I mean who thinks putting on coloured plastic shoes with this heat is interesting? Not to mention adding socks, another heat insulator, to the whole mix! The whole outfit screams laziness and a lack of décor. Are we a country of sloths? Hands up crocs are comfortable and they keep you cosy within the house but this trend is going too far and it should not make it to 2020.

2. Micro cat-eyed sunnies

This ‘90s trend took us by storm and overwhelmed the fashion scene. At first the trend seemed to work, everyone loved it. Honestly these sun glasses are so impractical, they do not even play the whole purpose of covering your eyes from sunshine. Not unless you are Kylie Jenner or a model on the runway these micro cat-eyed sunnies are not an accessory.

3. Dad sneakers

Vintage any day, the ‘80s and ‘90s trends are making a comeback at a supersonic speed from trends like chunky heels, mom jeans, just to mention, a few taking a centre stage on the fashion scene. But with every amazing trend crops in a bad habit. Just because one amazing trend won our hearts doesn’t mean that vintage looks can get away with murder in 2019. Dad sneakers or chunky sneakers need to take a back seat in 2020. I don’t even have to explain.

4. Biker shorts

Whether you like them or not, biker shorts need to be banned. I mean, from the name to literally how they look, who affirmed this trend? It is shocking to imagine the kind of heights people are willing to go in the name of fashion. Biker shorts are extremely hard to pull off. Wait, what weather are they even meant for? We only have a sun, no summer season that does need exaggeration.

5. Oversized layering of outfits

This kind of sartorial is a no-no all the way. Why this trend is still here baffles me. Why do designers even bother to put sizes on clothes when you can pick a free size and murder fashion on the streets? This layering of outfits is like taking fashion to the slaughter house. Layering isn’t about complicating your outfit, it is the assembling of pieces with same texture or colour to create an outfit. Layering can have an amazing result to an outfit especially during cold seasons but only when properly done.

6. Sock shoes

What is it with these fashion trends and the desire to stay warm? What happened to freezing and shining? You literally have to put on socks as shoes and pay for it while you are at it. Not forgetting our social media trendsetters who even went as far as teaching us how to make sock heels and sneakers at the comfort of our homes. Not all that we see on the internet should be used as fashion. Sock heels were amazing when they stormed the streets for how they were well thought and they came at a time people needed change. But, all things come to an end.

7. Tiny purses

Although this trend has not entirely taken over yet, sigh of relief! It is good to note that this trend is weird. Ladies are known for their suitcase sized handbags carrying an array of items, this purse can barely fit in a mobile phone, what of the extra pair of shoe? That umbrella? The purses are beautiful, no lie in that, but other than carrying your house keys and money this purses are useless. Do not let trend bully you into joining trends that are really not worth it.

8. Transparent/clear heels

This trend is creepy. Clear heels literally put every foot imperfection on the spotlight. Let me not mention the sweat and the way plastic cause dampness and the resultant ‘stench’. Who comes up with these crazy fashion trends? To make matters worse, most of these clear shoes rarely fit right, the discomfort of walking in sweaty, stinky and ill-fitting shoes all in the name of fashion should stop before 2020 begins.

9. Tassel earrings

With its array of colours and designs, tassel earrings were welcomed with open arms. As an accessory, it could almost get away with any outfit. However, tassels have overstayed their visit. Tassels are only as beautiful as they are new. Tassels are made of strings which, with time, look like you have old looking strings hanging from your ears, not to mention how they are prone to dirt and cannot be washed lest they are ruined.

10. Black elastic chokers

Fashion trends in Kenya are such a cliché, like these elastic chokers. They have been overdone. Considering how cheap and readily available they are, this fashion trend has flooded the streets and it’s more annoying than pleasing to come across it on someone’s neck. The end of the year is always a time to come up with new year solutions, let this trend exit your closet.

What other trend do you think should have made it to the list?


(All photos: Courtesy)

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