Nothing is scarier than the thought of meeting somebody new. Be it a new boss, neighbour, baby or worst of all a blind date. Meeting someone new through a blind date is like playing temple run, the thrill is great but the fear is greater. We want to create a first great impression without looking too needy.
Blind dates come with a great deal of expectations, acting friendly while secretly praying your date is not a serial killer. All these thoughts can sometimes weigh in and prevent us from having a good time.
Here are a few tips that could help you even the playfield:
Research on your date
Before committing to a blind date always do some prior research on your date. Check out their profiles on social media or make inquiries from a mutual friend.
This is helpful to give you some insight on the person that could potentially be your partner. However do your research with stealth to avoid looking stalkerish, give your date a benefit of a doubt.
Pick a familiar location
When picking a location for your date, pick a familiar place that you frequent. This will help you feel comfortable and safe and in case of an eventuality locals can always come to your aid or rescue you from an uncomfortable situation.
Avoid meeting dates in secluded areas or venues far from your house for night dates. In the event that a date doesn’t go as planned, always take a cab home, to avoid being trailed.
Stay busy
Avoid spending too much time thinking about the date, your inner voice will talk you out of it. Organize yourself well so you have enough time to prepare for the date. Pick an appropriate dress for the date, avoid looking too thirsty or too conservative.
However if there are too many red flags against your date, it would be best to sit that one out.
Have realistic expectations
Ensure your expectations of your date are realistic, keep in mind that you are meeting someone new for the first time and the route the date takes depends solely on the both of you.
Having expectations that are too high for a blind date will only lead to disappointments as people are not always what they seem to be. Give a chance for you to connect with your date, this way they may not judge you too. First impressions are the only impressions you need.
Know what you want
Before the date, have a monologue and figure out your end goal for this date. Once you are certain of what you are looking for or planning to achieve at the end of the date, this will help you be in a position to steer conversations towards the direction you want them to go.
Once at the date, make your intentions known to the other party to avoid sending unwanted or wrong signals.
Have a friend tag along
In case of uncertainties, you can always tag a friend along with you for reassurance. Your friend doesn’t have to sit with you on the same table, they can keep guard at a distance to make you more comfortable and secure for the date.
Third wheeling is okay to keep the conversations going. However, do not subject your date to an extra budget, that vibe sends wrong signals to your date. No one wants to pay bills of people they didn’t know were coming on a first date.
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