If you are looking for meals that are delicious, nutritious and that won’t break the bank, look no more. With just a few ingredients, most of which might already be in your kitchen, you can put together meals that will leave you licking your fingers and asking for more.
There are different ways to cook pilau from the traditional Coastal way to a simpler version that is more suited to the evening rush after a hard day’s work.
½ kg rice – Sh.60
¼ kg meat, cubed – Sh.100
1 large carrot – Sh.20
1 large onion – Sh.20
4 cloves garlic, crushed – Sh.20
Ginger, crushed – Sh.20
½ bunch dhania – Sh.10
Pilau Masala
Cooking oil
Salt to taste
1. In a big enough sufuria, put the meat and chopped onions and allow to cook until the meat dries.
2. Once dry add cooking oil and allow the meat to brown well.
3. Add rice, carrots, ginger, garlic, pilau masala and mix well. Add salt.
4. Add boiling water, enough to cover the rice so that it cooks.
5. Serve garnished with dhania.
6. Accompany with kachumbari, avocado or sliced tomatoes.
Amount spent: Sh.250!