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Shame on you who look down on us villagers


There are those village mates who move to the city and all of a sudden think they have achieved all in life. They begin to view us in the rural areas as primitive and backward. Like seriously?! They simply can’t understand how we survive and earn a living in these bushes.

To them, it’s a life of endless struggles, no good internet connection, no free Wi-Fi, no power, bad infrastructure, constant rain, cold and poor network. We tell them in our hearts that the good Lord is our provider so we never lack or want.

Funny enough, these people went to Githwariga primary school, later on to Kiandege secondary and spent two years after high school working on their parents farm. This was before fleeing to the city, thanks to an uncle who owns a hardware shop along Kirinyaga Road who promised to help them join NYS. Apparently, living in the city opens one’s mind. Unfortunately, not mine. Because I come back with a headache and blocked ears! Another group of people in my village you can’t shut down are those who have joined NYS, but once in a while they lie that the are in the army!

Around here, army guys are celebs of sorts. This explains why a good percentage of Form Four leavers in villages dream of joining the army, talk the army, eat the army and march the army. I don’t know who bewitched them! The rest of us are soldiers in the unshakable army of the Lord.

These people will give you a random call and enquire why you never visit the city, they simply cannot understand. You’ll tell them that you regularly visit the city, but have to get back home to heed to your usual responsibilities once you’re done with whatever business took you there. “But why? Si you come and stay a few days I show you around the city,” they will tell you. Boss, it’s not like we are that idle!

“During those few several days, can I come over with my sheep, cows and chicken and tend to them while you show me around the city?” You’ll want to know. “It’s long since I last saw you in the village. Why don’t you visit? “ ask them this question. “Wueh. Hiyo baridi yote and mud, plus there’s no electricity. I will come in December,” comes the answer. Ironically, you’ve visited the city more times than they’ve visited their parents back in the village. When you went to buy stock in Gikomba for your mitumba shop, when you went to apply for passport after you heard job openings in Dubai, when you visited integrity center for clearance....

Thing is, we don’t like the traffic, the noise, the heat, the mugging and the hustle. It’s insane. Hate our cold and mud, we hate your heat and dust. Then you come in December in car hire with a bag full of shopping then leave with several sacks of fresh farm produce, a cockerel in a carton, several litres of milk and a slaughtered sheep in a bucket and you still think we are backward and primitive, shame on you. May mercy and grace be upon you. Let us be.

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