Choose the right sanitary pad that meets your specific needs. Here's a guide by Eve Woman and a recommendation for Always pads.
Choosing a pad depends on a number of factors like: skin type, body shape, and flow. Each of these factors help you decide on a particular choice of pad. When it comes to sanitary towels there is a variety ranging from: Maxi thick, to ultra-thin pads to pads that have a more cottony feel, I mean it is safe to say there is something for everyone.
Some other factors that you may want to consider the next time you’re in the shopping mall to buy sanitary towels are: Material, understanding your cycle, length and flow of your menses and finally absorbency.
Sanitary Pad Material?This is just to add comfort, as well as for the women who have sensitive skin and react to various materials. You want to look for something that is soft and comfortable and most importantly one that does not react to your skin type.

As earlier stated, knowing your body and your menstrual cycle is a major part of choosing the right pad. Every girl has a different cycle be it the flow, duration or symptoms. Getting your cycle right is extremely crucial. This would come in handy when choosing what type of pad you can pick.
Length and flowThese are the most important aspects of your periods. The right sanitary pad should be able to handle your blood flow without you fearing that it might leak after every few hours. People with heavy blood flow may opt for longer pads and people with lighter flow may decide to go for shorter pads. Thin pads enable discretion during periods.
Absorbency- Consider Always padsA good pad should be able to absorb the blood flow without any leaks, if it is the right pad for your blood flow. If it does not absorb properly or to your liking, then you should probably look for one that does.
After all that, I know we’re probably all thinking that choosing the right pad just became a lot harder, luckily, Always has come up with a new range of pads for all women in various sizes. They have made it easier to choose the right sanitary pad in order to be well protected. The Better It Fits, The Better It Protects!