I could not hide my amusement when I saw a man frolicking around with his girl’s handbag. Some people may find it sweet, but I was there thinking how whipped that guy was. It was evident who wore the pants in that relationship.
To be fair though, the missus was weighed down by some huge bags of groceries but still, that was a very unmanly gesture on his part.
Incidentally, why didn’t he help her with the groceries instead? That brings us to an age-old question; when a man helps his lady carry her purse, is it an unbridled act of chivalry or a classic tale of the hen-pecked man?
Personally, I think it is the latter. There are numerous ways to be chivalrous without having your man card revoked.
It doesn’t matter how secure you are with your masculinity, handbags are a girl’s accessory, period!
"You have no business whatsoever carrying a woman’s purse."
Unless you are a transvestite and you are getting some sort of bizarre pleasure from it, let the woman carry her own goddamn purse.
Every time I see a man carrying his woman’s purse, I can’t help but wonder if he has a secret drawer full of women’s lingerie.
You can hold it for her briefly as she ties her shoe or fixes her hair, but make sure she is standing right next to you to avoid confusion in case you are being observed.
Furthermore, be very wary of how you hold it. Do not, under any circumstance sling it over your arm or strap it across your body.
I think women are as much to blame for this absurdity as their male counterparts. It is a form of emasculation. Whether it’s done unconsciously or with spite, the simple act of making your man carry your handbag for you instantly makes him come across as less of a man.
Why would you ask your man to carry your purse for you? Too heavy now, is it? You should have thought of that before you stashed everything but the kitchen sink in there!
To make matters worse, you show up for the date teetering around in your seven-inch stiletto heels. It is in very bad taste when you play the damsel in distress when it comes to your own handbag. I don’t think there is a bloke out there who voluntarily carries his woman’s handbag.
The problem arises when your sucker of a man is eager to answer to your every whim hence will happily throw that handbag over his shoulder to keep you happy, little does he know that he is putting his masculinity in jeopardy.
I would never let my boyfriend carry my handbag if it weighed sixty pounds and we were hiking up a mountain.
Heck, I would run away in horror if he offered. I can handle my own purse, thank you very much kind Sir!