1. He has made it!
Dating a younger guy can be fun and exciting but you need to struggle together for an established future. Older men, on the other hand, have a house, a great career and money is flowing.
Joyce Ngare, a 34-year-old accountant married to a 66-year-old retired army officer believes that most couples fight over money.
"This is super attractive versus a 30-something guy that might not have even a cup in his house. I met my husband 10 years ago when he retired and instantly fell in love. To date, we have only fought twice; over what colour of shirt he should wear."
2. Intelligence
Peris Nasieku, who recently graduated with a degree in Economics, says she is always looking for stimulating conversation and typically, the older guys are it!
"It all started when I dated my father's 38-year-old friend when I was 16. Everyone in the family was furious. Unfortunately, I could not date my age mates because we could not have a conversation beyond what's between our legs,"the 24 year old who's currently dating a 52 year old, said.
3. He has a career
These older guys can be anything from CEOs or the next MP and Triza Kwamboka, a hair dresser, needs a stable man since "If I get married to a fellow hairdresser we will only be miserable because we all know that there is no romance without finance."
4. His Manners
Elizabeth Mboroki, a 28 year old film maker dating a 56 year old German man, is simply attracted to the classic opening the door, standing up when they do, pulling chairs and even tying shoes laces.
"The older a man is, the more chivalrous he'll be. If you want someone to hold open doors for you and pull out your chair, your best bet is to date an older man. Respect was more important in the past, so he's a bit more chivalrous than the teens today," Elizabeth said.
5. He won't change you
Younger guys will change the way you dress to the time you go to bed, but older men won't even bother.
Agnes Mbithi, 26, says that she dated her age mate six years ago and unfortunately he "He used to tell me how I did not know how to dress yet he lived in my house."
Agnes is now dating a 44 years old who "thinks I'm perfect!" and she has never been more confident.
6. Sexually experienced
Not only are older men typically extremely sexually experienced, but they really listen to their partner.
Irene Okidong, a mother of three says that younger men have a lot of catching up to do. "I listen to my age mates complain how their husbands get boring in bed after the babies but I that's very different in my case. Nothing has changed, in fact, he gets better with age," says Irene who's in her late 30s and lost her virginity to her husband, 66.
7. Has his own pad
Having to sneak in and out of his room whenever you visit him isn't exactly any woman's dream. Older men generally have their own house or condo and are more than willing to share it with their younger lovers.
"I moved in with my boyfriend the day I met him at a bar. I was living in one room in Kangemi where the bathrooms were outside while he lived in a furnished apartment in Westlands. After a few months I encouraged him to move out and within time he had already bought a house; under my name! "Fransisca Chebet, a 32 year old housewife married to a 75 year old business man told The Nairobian.
8. Opposites attract
Life is a learning experience. You grew up in different decades, which means you know different TV shows and songs. He can teach you all about the trends that were popular when he was young, and you can do the same.
Maureen Wanjala, who is now married to her eldest sister's brother-in-law, says that her elder husband makes her comfortable. "I love soul music and the only person who understands that is my 56 year old husband. It even gets better because now he has introduced me to Zilizopendwa. There is a way he sings those Sukuma Bin Ongaro songs while fixing the fence. I feel like I have a man in my house."
9. Won't have to pay
If a woman wants to receive fancy jewelry and never wants to pay for a date, then an older man with a good job is exactly what she needs.
Most established women can't find men their age to do this for them since they are struggling to keep up.
"There is something about not having to pay the bill after a date that makes me feel very nice. In the past I have had to pay for all my bills because all my ex- boyfriends were broke. My man now makes sure that I only spend my money of minor things like nail polish," Janet Mwongela, 38, shared of he man, 69.
10. She just loves him
We can't help who we fall in love with. Some women like Sharon Rose end up in serious relationships with older men without actually trying to land someone more mature.
The 28-year-old met her husband while working for him. He was 45 she was 20. She was his personal assistant.
"We were just two people who ended up falling in love. We couldn't help it," Sharon said.