We should take eight glasses of water every day but most people, from day to day, find it hard to take plain water.
Other people mask the bland taste of water by adding lemon and orange extracts while others simply take water after meals.
With this in mind, it is always a relief to find other ways to stay hydrated other than solely drinking water.
Here are some foods you can eat to help you stay hydrated:
LettuceDo you enjoy a bowl of salad? If you do, you are in luck. Other than providing a lot of nutrients and being rich in fiber, lettuce also contains a lot of water.
To mean, you will be eating your vegetables while staying hydrated all in one bowl of lettuce.
CauliflowerFinally you can have your bowl of vegetables or fry your chicken in cauliflower with a reason.
Cauliflower is mainly used as a vegetable to compliment main course meals, it provides a number of nutrients but best of all you can actually ‘eat’ your water too while at it.
Bell pepperBell peppers are delicious when roasted in different meat dishes or added to salad dishes but did you know it can also keep you hydrated? The rawer it is the better your chances of getting all the water and nutrients from this dish.
CucumberProbably you use your cucumbers for cosmetic purposes but cucumbers can actually help you stay hydrated and soothe your skin both from the inside and out.
Cucumbers will help your body flush out toxins and keep your skin looking healthy. Add a few pieces of cucumber to your drinking water and enjoy pure health.
ZucchiniDid you know that other than being low in calories zucchini contains a high percentage of water that can help you stay hydrated?
You should probably consider adding some zucchini to your salads and vegetable plates, it is also rich in other nutrients and fiber.
WatermelonLast but not least is watermelon. I guess the name speaks for itself. If you have had a good watermelon, you know how mouthwatering the fruit is, no pun intended. Water melon consists of a lot of water and will keep you not only hydrated but also full throughout the day.
Tip: This does not mean you should stop taking water, these foods only act as a supplement. You will still need to have your eight glasses of water to help your body flush out toxins and stay healthy.