Like many women, you may have struggled with weight fluctuations for a lot of your life but how do you know whether or not you are a serial dieter?
1. Do you try every new diet and fad going? Do you own all the books and associated merchandise and can usually reel off the pros and cons of each diet?
2. Do you try a new diet with a lot of motivation but peter out after a few weeks?
3. Do you have an unhealthy relationship with food, perpetuating a never-ending cycle of binge or bust?
4. Do you focus excessively on numbers, whether it is weight, calories, measurements etc and not on how your body feels?
5. Do you get aim to lose weight quickly by overhauling your entire eating habits overnight?
If you answered yes to these questions, you are a serial dieter. This means you are more likely to fail at dieting and need to reconsider making your dietary changes lifestyle changes in order to make them more sustainable.
International Literacy Day is coming up. When was the last time you read a book?