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Things you should never put in your lady bits


Women across the globe have been warned against inserting weird objects and products in their private parts.

Myths abound on whether a woman should wash out their vagina—a process called douching.  Some of the myths on douching include making a woman feel clean, preventing pregnancy and sexual transmitted infections if done after sex and because of peer pressure.

This is troubling especially since gynaecologists say that the vagina needs no cleaning as it has a delicate balance of good PH, which if interfered with can do more harm than good.

Despite these warning, the bizarre trend of women inserting products and objects in their vaginas are still high, some of which include:


In 2016, putting glitter in the vagina was such a fad that gynaecologists had to warn women against it as it could led to infections.


In the UK, women resorted to the decongestant often used on the chest and throat for colds and flu as a douching product. Their reason: it helps in soothing itches and keeps them smelling minty, thanks to the eucalyptus and camphor in the decongestant. Top of all, it helps boost their sex lives because of the tingly sensation.

Gynaecologists warned the use of the decongestant as it is not only uncomfortable but also has the potential to cause disruption to the PH of the vagina.

Sealing Glue sticks

Glue sticks were created to stick the lips of the labia shut during a woman’s period.   It works by retaining menstrual fluid inside until a woman goes to pee or shower.

Oils and Balms

Various oils like tea tree, have been said to help with yeast infection, but doctors are warning against their use as they can cause painful reactions and discomfort in the vagina.

Same can be said of oil-based lubricants as they are difficult to wash off and can increase risk of yeast infections.

"The vagina contains a delicate balance of good bacteria, which are there to protect it," Dr Vanessa Mackay, spokesperson for the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists told The Independent.

"If women place foreign objects inside their vagina, they risk disturbing this balance which may lead to infection, such as bacterial vaginosis or thrush, and inflammation."


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