You have enjoyed your weave for two months and it is now time to remove it. It is good if you have practised good weaving habits so your hair remains healthy. Some women will remove one weave and have their hairdresser put another one immediately. This is not always the best thing.
Every woman needs to practise good weaving habits so that their hair remains healthy enough to sport another weave when it’s time. So before you rush to the hairdresser for the next weave, take a step back and figure out what your hair really needs first:
Detangle: A bit of one’s hair will definitely shed the first time they comb through the new growth after removing the weave. The moment you remove your weave, do not comb it before gently working through it, especially the new growth, with your fingers.
This method is less harsh than using a comb as you lose less hair. After detangling with your finger, use a wide tooth-comb before shampooing. Remember to be gentle so that you don’t damage your hair.
Conditioner: Use a moisturising shampoo then generously apply a moisturising conditioner. Comb through the hair while the conditioner is still saturated.
The amount of hair that sheds should not alarm you because your hair has been under a weave for long. Ordinarily, you shed off a few strands every time you comb your hair, thus this is an accumulation. Once you can easily comb through the hair, rinse completely.
Deep conditioner: A good deep conditioner would be a good follow up to this. Use one that is suited for dry hair. Leave it on your hair for the recommended amount of time before rinsing off.
Ends: Trimming the dead ends is another step towards keeping a healthy mane. You or your hairdresser only needs to clip the smallest amount at the tip to get rid of dryness.
Break: Your hair deserves a rest; give it a break. It is very tempting to want to retouch or weave the hair immediately; don’t. Your scalp and hair need a break.
Weaves impose some amount of stress on the scalp because of the extra weight. Letting your hair/scalp rest ensures a healthy scalp and hairline; without which wearing weaves or braids become much more difficult.
Protein: Within a week of taking down your weave, it is advisable that you give it a good protein treatment, especially if you have weak hair. This brings your hair’s moisture-protein balance back. This is because getting enough protein to the hair while it is confined in cornrows is difficult.