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Six different types of relationships

Girl Talk
 There are different types of romantic relationships (Photo: Shutterstock)

Throughout your life you will encounter different relationships: your family to start with, friends you will make along the way, acquaintances, work relationships, romantic relationships and even relationships with pets. 

Another relationship that you have is the relationship with yourself. And that is where spiritual, mental and emotional health come into play.

However, for today’s topic we shall tackle the different types of romantic relationships couples have out there. 

If you’re wondering what kind of a relationship you and your partner have, this will provide a helpful guide answering a few questions and settling some doubts you may have. 

First love

No matter how young you may have been when you got into your first relationship, this will set the roadmap of your other relationships moving forward.

Whether it was true love or puppy love, chances are it will teach you how to kiss, communicate, carry yourself etc.

If it ended due to cheating, you will have trust issues moving forward. If it was a healthy loving relationship that naturally ran its course, you will move forward with a positive view of relationships and finding true love.

Sexual relationships

In this day and age, people are not afraid to enter into relationships for casual flings. This type of relationship has no room to grow into something deeper.

It is a friend with benefits type of arrangement where couples only meet to have sex. Although there might be some chemistry, chances of developing into a serious relationship are none existent and chances are, both or one of the parties is involved with someone else.

 Different opinions, interests and ideas can bring out the true colors of a partner (Photo: Shutterstock)

Long distance relationship

For the brave at heart, LDR’s are not everyone’s cup of tea. if you can make a relationship work while being miles away, then maybe just maybe, you may be cut out for it.

You will have to schedule calls due to different time zones, learn how to live without physical and sexual connection and above all, trust each other enough to stay faithful and loyal.

Toxic relationships

This type of relationship is complex as different factors come into play to breed a toxic environment. At first, they always start out great like most relationships do then things start to change.

Different opinions, interests and ideas can bring out the true colors of a partner. Before you know it, arguments and problems become an everyday thing. Soon there is verbal and physical abuse and the other person feels like they’re walking on eggshells.

 Rebound relationships often end badly (Photo: Shutterstock)

Open relationships

This crazy concept allows couples to be non-exclusive and have different sexual partners. For some married couples, this allows either partner to engage with other people sexually outside the marriage commitment. In extreme cases, couples bring in their other partners to engage in sexual activities together. 


Whatever your reason may be for getting into a rebound relationship, these always end badly. This normally occurs when one is freshly out of a relationship and before the dust could settle down, they have already jumped into another commitment.

Taking no time to heal from their recently ended affair, they move on too fast to fill in that gap while nursing pain as they wait for the real deal to come along or to get back to their ex.

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