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Everything you need to know about shapewear or body shapers

Fashion and Beauty
 Shapewear easily hides the parts of your body you might consider unflattering (Photo: Courtesy)

As much as we love to talk about inner beauty, we understand the benefits that come with being your best self on the outside.

Little tricks like using concealer to minimize the appearance of blemishes can make a huge positive impact on how you feel about yourself.

One beauty hack that has become so popular is the use of shapewear. This is the secret weapon that many celebrities use to achieve that flawless figure and the best part is that it gives you that instant boost without necessarily spending hours at the gym.

Shapewear technology easily hides any parts of your body that you might consider unflattering while contouring your best features beautifully.

With such amazing results it is easy to see why they are an easy sell. Here is what you should know about them:

There are different types to suit every need

Shapewear doesn’t just come in one design. We all have different needs and companies that make body shapers take that into consideration by designing a variety of designs.

Some of the popular types you can find are tummy shapewear that are meant to give you that flat tummy look, shapewear that is meant to contour your thighs and full body shapewear that give you a full body makeover by covering all the major areas.

What you choose will depend on what you’re trying to contour as well as the specific occasion you have in mind. And, some are more comfortable for everyday use while others are more for specific occasions.

Sizing still matters

When you’re a beginner in the world of shapewear you might automatically think that tighter is always better.

Although the main goal is to achieve a certain desired look, it’s not about squeezing yourself into something in an uncomfortable way. Compressing your body in shapewear that’s too small for you can actually lead to health problems.

You should take time to figure out your correct size by confirming your measurements and trying out different brands.

Cotton blends are more comfortable

Sometimes we sacrifice our comfort for beauty but it doesn’t always have to be that way. You can go for the shapers that aren’t made from breathable materials but I can almost guarantee that you will be a sweaty mess on those hot days.

For maximum comfort, it would be better to go for those that are blended with cotton.

There are pregnancy-safe options

Often, people wonder if you can wear shapewear while you’re pregnant and the answer is, yes. Shapewear brands have many maternity options that don’t compress your body which maximizes your comfort while keeping the baby safe.

You should consult your doc first though to make sure it’s safe for you.

Men have shapewear too

Fun fact, men also have body shapers that have been designed to suit their needs too. Shapewear is mostly a woman’s thing but men actually wore them as early as the 18th century.

Over time, men’s shapewear became less popular but you can still find a few being sold.

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