Mosquitoes are quite annoying to have in your home. Not only do they put one at risk of contracting Malaria, the bites cause redness, swelling and uncontrollable itching. Depending on the species, they are drawn to light, humidity, heat, odors, carbon dioxide and even sweat.
While many people turn to store bought repellents, a lot of them contain a pesticide known as DEET that is harmful to human health. Heavy use of DEET puts one at risk of memory loss, fatigue, headaches, muscle pain and shortness of breath. To avoid this, you can use natural ways to repel mosquitoes. Here are 8 safe ways to ward off mosquitoes you can try. 1. Use Lavender Body Oil Take about 30 drops of lavender oil and mix it with 2 tablespoons of a vegetable oil such as olive or coconut oil. Apply this mix to your exposed skin. This will prevent mosquitoes from landing on you at the same time it will leave your skin smelling beautiful and moisturized. Lavender oil has analgesic, antifungal and antiseptic qualities which mean that in addition to preventing mosquito bites, it can calm and soothe the skin.
2. Burn Rosemary Did you know that certain smells keep mosquitoes away? One of those is rosemary. If you are having a barbecue and the mosquitoes will not stop feasting on you and your guests, simply throw some rosemary sprigs on the coal to burn. The aroma will effectively ward them off.
3. Eat More Garlic If you increase your garlic intake, garlic oil will eventually be released from the pores of your skin. This oil will act as a barrier between your skin and the mosquitoes. 4. Eliminate Stagnant Water Standing water creates a great environment for female mosquitoes to lay their eggs. Look around your property and eliminate any stagnant water, no matter how little. Even a cup full or rainwater or a pet bowl full of water can act as a breeding place for mosquitoes so drain all water. 5. Soak ribbons in tea tree oil Flying insects such as mosquitoes hate the smell of tea tree which makes it a great repellent. Soak some ribbons in tea tree oil and hang them around windows and doors to prevent any entry by mosquitoes. You can also use lavender oil for this. 6. Use baby oil Another smell that mosquitoes hate is the smell of baby oil. In the evenings, slather your skin with baby oil. This will make it harder for mosquitoes to bite your skin as it is covered in oil. The oil also makes it difficult for the mosquitoes to alight on a spot and bite due to the barrier it creates on your skin. Apply the baby oil in the evenings as applying it during the day can cause sunburn in direct light. 7. Use fans Mosquitoes are very weak flyers and even the slightest draft can keep them away. Make sure to prop fans around the area where you are sitting so as to keep the air around you moving and keep the little creatures away. 8. Plant lemongrass and other mosquito repelling herbs Herbs such as lemongrass, rosemary, lavender and basil contain a smell that mosquitoes hate. A study showed that a mixture of 32 percent lemon eucalyptus oil provided more than 95 percent protection against mosquitoes for three hours.
Grow a pot of either of these herbs or all of them and place the pots near windows and doors. This will prevent entry of mosquitoes. The herbs are also great for creating home remedies to ward off mosquitoes such as candles and sprays. Using these tips will keep the environment around you as unfriendly to mosquitoes as possible and you can enjoy a bite free day. To treat bites at home you can rub apple cider vinegar on the bite or place a slice of freshly cut garlic or raw onion on the bite for some relief.