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10 questions about common bedroom fears and problems answered by expert

Between The Sheets


Bedroom fears abd problems answered by experts
 Bedroom fears abd problems answered by experts

1. It's painful to have sex

Q: I'm female, aged 55 and it’s painful to have sex. Is there anything I can do?

A: Yes. The condition is called atrophic vaginitis and is common after the menopause and is due to falling oestrogen levels.

You may find water-based lubricants or oestrogen creams, pessaries or tablets helpful.

Struggling to maintain a healthy sex life as you're getting older? Don't be afraid to visit your GP

2. I have no interest in sex

Q: I'm 65 and my husband is 66. We have a loving relationship and he wants to have sex but I have no interest and this is upsetting both of us.

My family doctor was amazed to think we should be having sex at our age and I should ' think of England'. I think this is very unfair. Can something be done?

A: Yes this is common problem and affects about one in two women. If sex is painful we would suggest trying water based lubricants or oestrogen creams, pessaries or tablets. Alternatively, you can see a psychosexual counsellor. In fact you may need both approaches.

3. Sex is not enjoyable

Q: I’m 29 and had a good sexual relationship with my first boyfriend. We split up amicably 3 years ago.

I now have a new boyfriend and love him very much but sex is not enjoyable and I do not have orgasms anymore. What can I do?

A: First you must not be embarrassed to discuss this with your boyfriend as this might be due to problems within your relationship.

Is your lack of sex driving you apart? Try visiting a therapist

You may need to see a psychosexual counsellor for sex therapy. It is important to make sure that the sex therapist is qualified and abides by the code of ethics of an appropriate professional body.

4. I have problems getting an erection

Q: I am 62, fit and happily married and have had a good sex life for 35 years. I have recently started to have a problem getting an erection. What can I do about this and what is the reason for it? Is it just that I am getting older?

A: The short answer is that impotence (or erectile dysfunction) is easily treated.

Ask your GP if you can have your cholesterol, blood sugar, and testosterone checked, as impotence can often be an indication that the smaller arteries are furring up, in your heart as well as your penis, or your testosterone is low. You can then be treated appropriately.

5. Will sex lead to another heart attack?

Q: I am 55 and had a heart attack six months ago. I am now very well and back at work and with no chest pain. I would like to go back to having sex with my wife, as we had a very good sex life before I was ill.

However, my wife is frightened that if I make love to her, it will bring on another heart attack. Will this happen and if not, how do I convince her?

A: An idea of how much energy is used when having intercourse with a long-term partner, measured in metabolic equivalents (METs), the lower range with a regular partner is 2–3 METs and the upper range ('vigorous') is 5–6 METs.

Fear has caused distance in the relationship

Compare these figures with the MET rating for other daily activities:

- Walking a mile for 20 mins on the level 3 – 4

- Digging in the garden 3 – 5

- DIY, wallpapering, cleaning the car and similar 4 - 5

- Playing golf 4 – 5

- Lifting and carrying objects up to 20 kg 4 – 5

So, if you can do the other activities, you can have sex again. Discuss how you feel with your doctor and use these other activities as a guide to your physical fitness.

In terms of convincing your wife talk through with her how you feel too and explain how a healthy sex life can be compared with other levels of exertion in every day activities.

6. I'm a virgin and can't maintain an erection

Q: I am 18 and have never had sex before. Last weekend I tried to have sex with my new girlfriend, but I went soft before I got in. She laughed at me and when I tried again the next night and again last night, I couldn’t even get hard.

What’s gone wrong? I am very worried that something serious had happened to me but when I tried masturbating, that was OK. What can I do?

A: You are not alone. This problem happens very, very frequently in young (and often in not-so-young) men and it is not only humiliating to a man but completely demoralising.

Fortunately, there is rarely anything physically wrong at your age. It usually occurs because of first night nerves. You get extremely anxious the second time round, watching yourself to see if you are going to be able to perform – and of course, you can’t.

It doesn’t help if your partner laughs at you (though this may just be because of her anxiety). The best and quickest way of getting help is to go to see your GP. Don’t be too embarrassed, as he or she will have heard the same problem many times before.

7. Is my penis smaller than average?

Q: I am 24 and I have a tiny penis when soft. My erection is 5.5 inches and when I look at porn, the men are very much bigger than me. Can you tell me how I can get a bigger erection? What exercises can I do and which treatment should I take? Is it possible to have an operation to make my erection bigger?

A: Many men worry a great deal about their size, and most think that they are under endowed, so the facts are important. A smaller soft penis enlarges by a greater percentage volume than a larger one.

The length of the flaccid penis varies between 5– 9.5cm (2–4 inches), and much depends on the temperature. The size of erections in men in the UK varies from 12–17.5cms or just under 5 inches to 7 inches, with an average of 16 cm or just over 5.5 inches.

There's no need to be embarrassed

Of course there will be a few either side of the normal range. The important thing is to remember that looking down on the penis gives a foreshortened view and therefore a false idea of its length.

Magazine photos are carefully angled to increase size, and models for porn films are chosen for their size of thier endowment.

Operations to lengthen the penis are not successful and cause a lot of expensive problems. Unfortunately none of the various bits of apparatus or drugs help other than very temporarily.

However, you are fine and normal, so there is no need to be ashamed of your endowment.

8. Have I masturbated too much?

Q: Often I cannot get a decent erection, although I can masturbate without difficulty. Why is this happening to me? Do you think it must be because I have masturbated too much when I was younger and have lost a lot of vital energy? What can I do?

A: This is not because you have masturbated too much. You cannot masturbate too much because the body gets tired after a number of ejaculations in a day and then you cannot get either an erection or an orgasm.

Wondering why this is happening to you? It's not your fault

You won’t lose any more vital energy by masturbating than you would by having sex. If you are really so worried, I would suggest that you ask your GP for some Viagra, Cialis or Levitra.

9. My prostatectomy has left me unable to have sex

Q: I had a radical prostatectomy for cancer of the prostate last year. I now can’t get an erection. Sex is very important to us. What can I do?

A: I suggest you go to your GP and discuss the options, as there is almost certainly something you can use to get back to regular intercourse.

The first option would be tablets, with a choice of Levitra 20 mg, Cialis 20 mg or Viagra 100 mg, which are at their maximum dose.

If tablets are unsuccessful, a second option would be the injection into the penis, the thought of which makes tears come to the eyes of the strongest man, but which I assure you most men using it find quite painless! It’s an extremely successful method.

A further alternative is the vacuum pump. This can also be very successful, although it takes a while to get used to. If none of these options work, then there is the inflatable prosthesis, put in surgically along the shaft of the penis. This is rarely available on the NHS, but the other treatments are.

10. Can I take tablets if I'm on heart medication?

Q: After I had my heart attack three months ago, I was sent home with blood pressure tablets, a statin for my high cholesterol and either a spray or tablets to suck for chest pain, which I use occasionally. Now I find I cannot get an erection. A friend suggested Cialis (he takes it). Is it OK for me?

A: No, not if you have to use your spray (or put a tablet under your tongue) for the pain. Both contain nitrates, which clash with Cialis (as well as Levitra and Viagra) and make your blood pressure fall severely.

If you want to return to having sex, you should ask your doctor for a different treatment for your erection problems other than Cialis, Viagra or Levitra, or, alternatively, you can get tablets, which will control your chest pain and blood pressure without using nitrates, and then you can use Cialis.

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