Ordia Akelo
Ordia Akelo
Ordia Akelo writes for Evewoman
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It’s like Kenyan men met for a mega kamkunji and decided to spoil valentines for the ladies to make up for a whole year of ‘pain and suffering’
By Ordia Akelo
Feb. 5, 2016
Feb. 5, 2016
A concerned parent had to give strict instructions to the driver of a school bus over the music he plays while he takes the kids to school. This was after he noticed his child kept humming to strange tunes the whole evening after school.
By Ordia Akelo
Feb. 18, 2016
Feb. 18, 2016
A concerned parent had to give strict instructions to the driver of a school bus over the music he plays while he takes the kids to school. This was after he noticed his child kept humming to strange tunes the whole evening after school.
By Ordia Akelo
Feb. 18, 2016
Feb. 18, 2016
If you have been in communication for a week, there are a few pointers that will tell you she has fallen for you hook, line and sinker and is ready to take your relationship to the next level.
By Ordia Akelo
Mar. 11, 2016
Mar. 11, 2016
Naturally, together with the many things notice when you walk up to her to talk her into a relationship is your shoes. I will not be lying if a say many girls have fallen for a man because he rocked good kicks.
By Ordia Akelo
Mar. 18, 2016
Mar. 18, 2016
Some people have no problem at all with panty-lines one lady once confessed, she can’t leave the house without one, some men even think it is super sexy but once again, who am I to judge?
By Ordia Akelo
May. 3, 2016
May. 3, 2016
Naturally, we are wired for size, strength and speed, and if anything masculine has those qualities, we most certainly will think about it. Sometimes, more than we probably should.
By Ordia Akelo
Mar. 23, 2016
Mar. 23, 2016
Some if not most of us have the weird habit of taking you round in circles; making you spend tons of hard earned money then eating your time and food before flatly telling you NO. How do you keep the chase short?
By Ordia Akelo
Mar. 30, 2016
Mar. 30, 2016
What men do not understand is that periods are horrible to say the least and very few ladies make it through the one week with no complications.
By Ordia Akelo
Apr. 1, 2016
Apr. 1, 2016
But lets take a close look shall we, what are the things that go through the head of men when they see a member of the fairer sex pass by. What do they think of them?
By Ordia Akelo
Apr. 21, 2016
Apr. 21, 2016
He says when a lady sticks close; the relationship suddenly becomes boring and suffocating. Boring my foot! The only plausible reason why men will want ‘breathing space’ is to run around and do some hanky panky business with God knows who
By Ordia Akelo
Apr. 21, 2016
Apr. 21, 2016
‘Can you send me a naughty picture of yourself?’ then when the lady in question prods further, he says, ‘A nude my dear, I want to see how pretty you really are because I know from what I saw, it can only get better.’
By Ordia Akelo
Apr. 27, 2016
Apr. 27, 2016