Let’s make this delicious treat, a household staple during Ramadan.
What you will need:
3 cups all-purpose flour
Pinch of salt
1 egg
1 sachet of instant yeast
1 and 1/4 cups milk
2 heaped tablespoons margarine
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1 tablespoon sugar
1 packet cream cheese triangles
1 can condensed milk
1 small tin of saffron
What to do:
In a bowl, add the flour, salt, yeast, sugar, egg, margarine, and milk. Knead until the dough is soft. Cover with clean film and let it prove for about 30 minutes, or until it doubles in size.
Now, punch the dough back and form a large ball. Using a knife, portion the dough into small pieces. You should get about 30 small dough pieces. Flatten each piece of dough with your fingertips, then fill it with cream cheese triangles that have been cut into 3 pieces per triangle.
Repeat the process of filling the dough with cheese, and arrange the cheese buns on a baking tray of your choice. I used disposable aluminium trays and managed to get 2 trays of 15 cheese buns each. Bake at 180°C for about 30 minutes, or until golden brown.
Let the buns cool down, then drizzle with condensed milk and finish with saffron on top. Enjoy!