The Webster dictionary defines being weary as to be worn out, sink, droop, lose interest, fall off, tire or grow tired.
God has given us a high calling and great anointing hence Satan has put on gloves and is playing dirty and nasty. Satan will use every weapon to discourage, tear you apart and make you grow weary of fighting. We are in combat and this is due to the vicious and turbulent attacks from the hordes of hell determined to prevent us from succeeding and fulfilling the will of God for our life.
In John 10:10, the Bible says, “The thief does not come except to steal, kill and destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly”
Many Christians have grown so weary that they are at the verge of surrender and calling it quits. One of the greatest challenges people face is the ability to continue trusting in God in discouraging events. For example, you wonder how you can keep on believing that one day you will own a house when the land lord has been constantly knocking at your door asking for accumulated rent arrears or that your children will succeed when they have been expelled from several schools due to indiscipline. You can do this by first understanding how God works and learning to wait upon God.
God uses a specific pattern to deal with his people.
First is the dream phase. He gives you a dream, idea, goal, challenge, promise, desire or an ambition.
Second is the difficulties phase. Many people in the Bible had to go through many difficulties to fulfil God’s plan. David was anointed as King of Israel by Prophet Samuel but for several years he was hunted down like a deer in the wilderness by King Saul who wanted to kill him. Joseph was despised by his brothers, sold as a slave in Egypt, accused of rape by Potiphar’s wife and jailed.
Third is the dead-end phase. The situation deteriorates to a state of impossibility, hopelessness and end of the rope. You feel boxed in or cornered and there seems to be no way out. When the Israelites saw the Red Sea ahead, their vision of the Promised Land in Canaan died. Pharaoh and his army were also pursuing them and on both sides were high mountains.
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Fourth is the deliverance phase. God delivers you by supernaturally providing solutions and fulfilling the dreams without anybody’s help. He parted the Red Sea for the Israelites and gave Abraham a son after 99 years. God allows your dream to die so that you can rely on him.
How do you wait on God? I use the acrostic of ‘WAIT’ to show you how.
You need to Withstand which means to endure successfully or to stand your guard or hold your ground. The Bible says, “Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord and in the power of his might. Put on the whole armor of God that you may be able to withstand against the wiles of the devil” (Ephesians 6:10-11).
Anticipate, which means expecting something. Regardless of what you are going through, choose to remain expectant. Resolve that you will not die until you fulfil your destiny and purpose.
Intercede by praying always and do not lose heart. You have a choice to either pray or give up. You can choose to keep on praying or throw in the towel. To succeed in that which God has planned for you, you need to be relentless in prayer. The Bible reminds us that Elijah, a man with passions like us, prayed that there would be no rain and there was no rain for years. The basic trait of Elijah’s prayer was persistence.
Finally, Trust in God. “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will direct your paths” (Proverbs 3:5-6). Trust in this case means that it is not by might nor by power but by the spirit of the living God. Do not crack up your head trying to figure out how things will turn out because it is beyond human explanation, inclination or reasoning. The only currency you have is trust. If you pay the price that heaven demands in the currency of trust, then you will get whatever you want. Keep on trusting that your destiny will come to pass, that God will put things together and move on.
You need to know your unique intrinsic and infinite worth. Do not settle for anything less and pursue that which you were created for.