When we grew up we used to see people who were referred to as celebrities come to talk with us and give us encouragement about life. By then we never knew it was about giving back to the community we just used to like the events especially when they involved food or refreshments. When I became an adult that is when I realised about going back and giving back to the community.
They say volunteering your time to support a cause you are passionate about is something you will never regret. I will enrich your life, familiarize you with your community and connect you to people and ideas that will positively impact your perspective for the rest of your life. Helping your community is an opportunity for you to grow as a person, and to better understand how you fit into the world around you.
I find it as another way to humble you as it reminds you where you came from especially if your volunteering in the community where you grew up or has been associated with shaping your life. Of course, there are some people who don't want to be associated with their past which I understand. They really have problems with that and even sometimes warn you not to mention it when in a group. I have always loved my past as it shows history. I learned that from my father who always reminds us where he came from and how life was. I have always associated with Pumwani maternity where I was born. My mother always reminds me how it was a crazy day for her and I will definitely go and donate basins and other baby staff in the future. My family moved to Kawangware, which I have always wanted to visit though I stayed there for only five of my earlier years.
My mother tells me the place has changed so much that even identifying our old home will be difficult. After that most of my life, I stayed in Buru Buru and I am always referred to by my friends "jamaa wa Buru". In Buru I have my primary school classmates (class of 85) who went to Buru Buru 1 primary school and always give back to the school. We go back and help both financially and with amenities. We have a What's App group and we all appreciate how the school shaped our lives.
My first Primary school was Khalsa in town but unfortunately, it is no more. Another cause that I give back is to the Buru Buru basketball team known as the Crusaders. I try and contact the old players who played for the team to help the youth by giving back. If it were not for the Crusaders some of us would have been in trouble, especially in crime. It is nice to give back and see young boys fulfilling their basketball dream.
Some of us are not financially strong but giving back to society means a lot for the future generation. Even just going back and mentoring them means a lot. Small actions like Going back to your community and having a meal or a drink also bring economic benefit and is appreciated. Never forget where you've been. "Never lose sight of where you are going, and never take for granted the people who travel the journey with you."