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Eight things you need to know about breastfeeding

 Sometimes information about breastfeeding can be misconstrued (Shutterstock)

You have probably come across a couple of myths and misconceptions about breast. Many people aren’t aware of the facts, so sometimes information about breastfeeding can be misconstrued.

If you’re a first time mother, confusion may rear its ugly head but remember, you don’t need to believe everything you read.

Do your background research and talk to a few mothers. You will have a rich list of resources to run to.

If time is not on your side and just want a crush guide through breastfeeding, read on and thank me later

i.Breast milk has all the nutrients your baby needs

Sometimes there’s an underlying fear that your baby isn’t getting enough nutrients from the breast milk alone. You might even be tempted to give them some water to help them stay healthy.

Infants who haven’t reached weaning stage don’t need any other source of nutrients. It’s the milk that will supply them with vitamins and strengthen their immunity. So you have nothing to worry about.

Babies only need a boost when there are complications. In that case, a doctor will recommend some medication.

ii.Breastfeeding keeps mom on her toes

A mother who is breastfeeding her child has to ensure she eats healthy. You have to keep up with your baby’s nutrient demands by being stricter with your diet.

Cut unhealthy sugar, fats and increase your water, fruit and vegetables intake.

It also helps when it comes to stress management because your emotional wellbeing affects how much milk is produced.

iii.It’s not always an easy process

Breastfeeding is also a learning curve, like any other new experience in life. It should happen naturally but for some it takes one or two months to get used to.

At the beginning it can be painful sometimes and the baby is also learning how to latch properly so it might take a while.

Just be patient and go with the flow. Before you know it you’ll be a pro at it.

iv.The amount of milk has nothing to do with breast size

Breast size isn’t a determining factor of how much milk is supplied. This is actually a common myth where people assume that bigger breasts automatically means more milk, while smaller breasts means less milk.

This is not the case at all because milk isn’t produced in the fatty tissues of the breasts.

 Breast size isn’t a determining factor of how much milk is supplied (Shutterstock)

v.Nursing strengthens the bond between mother and child

The science of that bond between a mother and her child is amazing. A baby is able to distinguish their mother from other people just from the scent they pick up from breastfeeding.

The mother’s body is also able to adjust the milk according to their baby’s needs. It’s able to balance out the nutrients properly on its own.

Milk changes during the day, at night and even when the baby is unwell.

vi.It reduces risk of cancer

Something as simple as nursing could significantly shed cancer causing cells and suppress the hormones as well. The two types of cancer it protects you from are breast and ovarian cancer.

Mothers who breastfeed longer have a lower risk of developing these types of cancers.

 Aside from cancer, breastfeeding helps you shed some calories and protects you from other health complications like heart disease.

vii.Breastmilk has flavors

Yes, your baby can taste a few flavors depending on what you eat or drink. Foods with strong flavors have an effect on the milk. Not all foods affect the flavor though, but some do.

Great examples include the mom juice-wine, garlic and chili pepper.

viii.There are some complications that can occur

Some complications that often occur are mastitis which is an infection of the milk duct and tissues and engorgement which happens when one breast is overfilled with milk and other fluids.

You should also know how alcohol and smoking can affect your baby’s health. Drinking excessively then breastfeeding puts them at risk of developing developmental problems.

There are safe ways of moderately drinking but excessive consumption will only lead to problems. Smoking is also pumps toxins into the milk, which will cause respiratory damage and increase the chances of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome.

How long since you travelled to shags to see your parents?

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